Chapter 21

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Late at night, Jungkook strolls the street

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Late at night, Jungkook strolls the street. An ice cream desire led him to slip out of his room.

When he arrived at the store where his uncle had given him free ice cream, he discovered it was closed for private reasons.

After that, he visited another store, but there was no butterscotch ice cream there. After fifteen minutes of walking, he discovered the small convenience store was open. While eating ,He observed an elderly blind man hesitant to cross the street, so he went over to him straight away.

"Hold my hand, uncle. I'll help you in crossing the street."

"I'm grateful, son." The man added, "I was there for an hour, but nobody helped me," they crossed the street. "Would you please direct me to the construction building next to the pharmacy?" Old man asked.

"Okay, but why you're going there late at night." Jungkook inquired.

"My son didn't have time to eat while he was working there. Thus, I'm bringing him some handmade food," the elderly man stated, displaying the Tiffin box.

Jungkook noticed the building site. All the stores in this area are closed, but the pharmacy is open. With the exception of a few street lights, the door and window are securely closed.

Some sections are in the dark since a few streetlights are out. Jungkook is not feeling well. The metal door let them into the building site and Jungkook noticed that they built a massive wall around the location, preventing anyone from climbing up.

"Sir, why did they build the massive wall before the house?" Jungkook inquired.

The man answered, "They built this wall to safeguard stuff like cement, sand, tools, workers phones, and money since there are a lot of robbers in this region."

"We're here, uncle. However, I'm unable to see anyone. Where is your son?" With unease Jungkook said it after entering through the gate.

"Son? I don't have any sons," the elderly man declared, grinning and giving him a sharp, mischievous glance.

The man grabs Jungkook's hand tightly just as he is about to bolt, indicating to him that something is wrong. He shoved Jungkook in the direction of the building. The sharped edge of the rock cut Jungkook's hands and knees when he fell across it. Using the keys, the man shut the door and threw it elsewhere.

Glancing up, he observed the man removing the knife from the Tiffin box. Jungkook glared at the man with frightened eyes; he was trembling all over. His hand touched down on some sand, and he hurled a handful of them right into the old man's eyes.

Nothing worked when he attempted to break the lock from the stone or locate the keys. He even attempted to climb up the wall, but to no avail. After that, the man quickly got over it and started to chase him. Jungkook can feel every beating as his heart will burst at any moment from dread.

Without glancing at the ID, Jungkook called from inside the construction site as he rushed. Something hit his head as he was speaking with Namjoon while hiding behind the pole. He fainted right away.


While writing in his diary, Namjoon heard a knock at his room. The knock continued even after he informed them that he was busy and would be late for dinner, he assumed it's his butler who is calling him for dinner. Butler was waiting for him when he opened the door after hiding the diary.

"What do you want?" Namjoon questions.

"Sir! It is Mr. Kim Shin-wook who has arrived at the House. He requested that I let you know." He said, Bow, and turned to leave.

Namjoon cursed under his breath as he walked away to see his father, carrying the DNA test results with him. He climbed down the stairs and glanced at his father; his face is wrinkle-free, he still appears young, his face expressionless, his button nose, his dragon-shaped eyes, and his lips that appear round and thick at times and thin at times when he smiles.

Namjoon gets his looks from their dad, while Jungkook gets those from their mom.

His dad is sitting on the sofa, holding a cup of tea. "Dad," he says, bowing.

"Hmm. I hear you're still friends with Taehyung and Jimin," he inquired, his gaze fixed on the piece of art rather than Namjoon. It's his mother's painting, and she looks stunning in it.

"I'm still friends with them because I wanted to, and I decided to do what I wanted rather than what you wanted. I'm already over the age of 20, and I wanted to make my own decision" Namjoon explained.

"Make your decision? You're not good enough to make your own decisions; if you were, you wouldn't befriend them because they're gay."

"I'm gay too."

"What do you say?" He asked coldly.

"I'm gay; I like Jin," Namjoon confessed.

"Are you crazy? You have no right to date a man at all. I'm telling you to end your relationship with him." Shin-wook warned.

"I Love Jin."

"What did you even know about love?" Shin-wook inquired.

"True love never fades; no matter who you love or how many decades go by, it will always be there in your heart. Love is just a feeling. The emotions won't go away. Nothing, not even gender, color, height, weight, or caste, can separate love. It's the most precious thing, yet it brings both delight and grief, along with smiles and tears." Namjoon explain. His father gave him a stern look.

"Bullshit. It will pass; it's only a phase. If you choose to be gay instead of being normal, you will regret this in the future."

"Being gay doesn't make me abnormal; I'm normal. All that is strange about those people is their thinking."

"Who that evil is forcing this crap into your mind? You used to listen to me all the time, but now you just argue with me."

"I'm reasoning with you calmly; I'm not arguing. I am simply correcting what you said, which is incorrect."

Suddenly, Namjoon's phone rang; it was Jungkook.


"Hyung, I was tricked by an elderly man who claimed to be blind and insisted on accompanying him to the building site. This building is not far from our house. Ahhhhhhh"

Namjoon yells, "Jungkook, Jungkook, Jungkook," the phone hangs up.

Hearing the name of his deceased son, Shink-wook inquired, "J-jungkook."

"Dad, pay attention. We didn't have much time; I just wanted to let you know that your son and my brother is still alive and he got kidnapped. We need to locate him immediately. He is close to our house; the location is under construction. Call the police right now; we need to find him as soon as possible." Namjoon instruct.

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