Chapter 15

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"Come here," Yoongi demanded with his deep voice

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"Come here," Yoongi demanded with his deep voice. Jimin still stands at a distance from Yoongi.

"Don't make me get up and take you here by myself" Yoongi warned. Jimin took a few steps towards him. He stood beside him, still not looking at his face.

"Look at me," Yoongi demanded again. Jimin just shook his face and refused to look at him. Yoongi suddenly held his arm and pulled him into the bed.

"Yoongi, what are you doing? You will hurt your shoulder," Jimin said worriedly. He looked up to Yoongi as his arms were around his waist, and he refused to let him get up.

"So you can talk. I thought you lost your voice after the accident." Yoongi teased him and rubbed his hand on Jimin's throat. Jimin gulped, feeling his hand.

"Yoongi, leave me" Jimin whispered, closing his eyes.

"Never," Yoongi declared, and he put his head down to kiss Jimin. They got so into making out that they didn't see Jungkook open the door and close it immediately. He gasped, looking at others.

"What happened?" Namjoon asked.

"Yoongi and Jimin are kissing," Jungkook choked out after saying that. They also gasped. Jin immediately opened the door slightly and looked at them. Others peek, then close the door without getting noticed.

"Daym, this is too much. If they are together, then why do they never tell us about it? I'm feeling betrayed," Hobi said, clutching his chest and falling on Jungkook.

"Hobi" Jungkook said, making him stand.

"Don't let them find out that we know about them. They will tell us when they like it." Namjoon stated that others agree with him and behave as if they never saw that scene.

It's been a month, and Yoongi is recovering very well. He can now move his shoulder and arms without feeling much pain. The doctor also decided to discharge him. Yoongi's parents visit him; after that, they leave to attend a business meeting and appoint a maid for him, but Yoongi refuses to let anyone else take care of him. So his friends decided to take care of him instead of leaving it to others.

"Finally, I'm free," Yoongi said, stretching his body. Jimin took the bag that contains Yoongi's clothes. The other also came here to fetch him to his house.

He rests for a week, then starts attending college. Others wait for them to tell them about the relationship, especially Jungkook, who feels he can't wait.

He really wanted to know if they were really ending up together or they will break up after. He doesn't know anything about Yoongi's relationship, neither at this time nor in his timeline.

When his parents try to make him attend a blind date, he straight out refuses them. He never saw Yoongi date anyone.

Jungkook can even imagine seeing him with cats in his old age.

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