Chapter 24

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Hyunjin strokes the swan's head, and after a while, a man appears

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Hyunjin strokes the swan's head, and after a while, a man appears.

"Jyp." Hyunjin claimed.

"Oh, you've arrived. I believe you two have already met." Jyp said.

"Stop this nonsense and send me to my people," Jungkook orders.

"I can't."


"Because we previously used the chance when we transferred you to this timeline."

"How long do I have to wait to do this again?"

"Years, not days." Jyp answered, "14 years."

This nearly gave Jungkook a heart attack because he didn't want to wait a day to be away from them. He grabbed Jyp's shoulder and began shaking him.

"Your old fart with brain sickness is the cause of it all. How dare you commit a mistake? Does your outdated brain not recognize that Hyunjin is the right person to send in this timeline not me?"

"Jungkook, calm down." Hyunjin makes an unsuccessful attempt to get Jungkook off Jyp's shoulder.

"Did Si-hyuk tell you that?" Jyp queried.


"But that is untrue. His father purposefully put you into this timeline when you were a newborn; I did not send you by accident. I couldn't have transferred someone at that time because I was only a trainee. Well, Si-hyuk's dad got fond of you, and when he saw your mother try to kill you, he sent you into this timeline, but Si-hyuk knew his dad shouldn't use this ability for his own good, so he used his own power to transfer you to the imaginary vision chamber instead of sending Hyunjin into this timeline.

He also warned his dad to not do anything, and that's how you stay in that for fourteen years, and when we get our chance, I send Hyunjin here and Si-hyuk sends you, but due to that sudden attack by that old man, Si-hyuk's dad again sends you here to save you." Jyp explain.

"My mother attempted to murder me?" inquired Jungkook.

Then JYP went to great length about everything. While Hyunjin merely listened with wide eyes, Jungkook was somewhat hurt because he didn't feel very close to her. She did express her concern for him when he was a kid, but he doesn't recall her spending much time with him or the accident.

"Do you believe you have a way to get him to return to his own timeline then?" Hyunjin enquired.

"Well, since he is the king and can use it repeatedly, only Si-hyuk's father can accomplish that." Jyp answer.

Hyunjin said, "But he will never consent to send him."

"He will listen to Jungkook; that much is certain."

"Why will he listen to me, though?"

"That guy is the uncle Yoongi you imagine in that room."

That surprised Jungkook, who sought to be sure he heard correctly.

Hyunjin remarks, "The motherfucking plot twist, damn."

"He's the uncle Yoongi," murmured Jungkook to himself.

"Si-hyuk is calling me; wait; I'll talk to you after I talk to him," Jyp remarked before vanishing.

"Hey, are you okay?" Hyunjin inquired.

"I'm not sure. All I want is to go back."

"Do you believe Si-hyuk's father will listen to you or agree with you?" Hyunjin enquired.

"We had a strong emotional bond, and I believe that of all the people I miss the most, he was the one that looked out for me the most and encouraged me at all times. I hope to see him again," expressed Jungkook.

"Don't worry, I believe he will send you based on what you mentioned; just wait to see your family again." Hyunjin gives him a smile.

"How about I'll show you my place?" inquired Hyunjin. Jungkook merely nods before abruptly turning to glance at his leg.

"Aha! There is no pain in my leg."


"You know, the guy fractured my legs when he kidnapped me, but it doesn't seem like I was harmed before."

"Maybe he used power to heal your legs. They have powers after all." Hyunjin guess.

"It's nighttime; let's go to sleep." stated Hyunjin.

"Why don't you go to the party that's going on?" Lying on the bed, Jungkook posed the question.

"Well, I don't think it's necessary for me to go, as i'm not important enough for the birthday of my adoptive parent's son." Hyunjin said.

"Wait, in this timeline, you were adopted."

"Yes, I have read a comic book of this timeline in which I'm the fake son of Hwang's. When one day Mr. Hwang unintentionally runs into a boy named Minho who looks like him, he considers the possibility that the boy may be his son. This is a little silly—imagine believing someone who looks like you is your son and then taking a DNA test to be sure. He had to be cheating on his wife, in my opinion. How in the world does he think he has one more child and took the DNA test when he knows his wife gives birth to just three children? After all, he only has three children, and at that time, he didn't realize I wasn't his true son.

It's been confirmed that Minho is his son after the results of the DNA test. Then it occurred to him that since his wife gave birth to only three children, at least one of the son he raised was unrelated to him. He tested my DNA because I'm the only one who differs in appearance, and the results showed that I am fake. We switched places at the hospital, and since I didn't finish the novel, I'm not sure what would happen next." Hyunjin said.

"What a fantastic book! This is the kind of novel I've read a lot. I've always wondered, How in the world could the father, who was supposed to have been at his wife's side during her labor and delivery, not notice that the baby his wife delivered and the baby nurse gave him is different?" said Jungkook.

"The father in this book was late to the hospital." Hyunjin answered.
The sound of a knock on the door reaches them.

"Who the hell is this person?" With a curse, Hyunjin stood up to open the door. He observed the employees that worked at the home.

The service member stands with a trolley full of food and says, "Sir, Mrs. requested that I give you this." After saying that, Hyunjin told him to depart.

"This is a lot of snacks, plus it's chocolate cake. Amazing," gushed Jungkook, fawning over the dish.

Hyunjin passed him the food and adds, "let's eat this."

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