Chapter 2

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"Who are you?"

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"Who are you?"

"I'm your son."

"Aish! What is your name?"

"Kim Jungkook, I'm 18 years old."

Namjoon inhaled sharply, hearing his dead brother's name. Now, looking at him closely, he did resemble his dead brother's face-not much, but a little bit, yes. He is also the same age as him. If his brother were alive, he would also be 18 years old.

"What is your father's name? Or tell me your address so I can send it to you".

"You are my father, and this is my house. I'm not going anywhere." Jungkook said ,hold the pillow and pout.

"But I don't even know you". Namjoon said, which made Jungkook realise that he is in the past, which means nobody knows him. His friends aren't born yet. His father hadn't met his mother yet.

He now realises he sounds so stupid. It's 2003, which means his dad is in his 20s and in his second year of college. He didn't meet his mother, so how can he claim himself as his son.

Oh, wait, Jin. That means my father is in love with Jin. He will meet and marry his mother next year. Jungkook thinks about his parents never loving or treating each other as family. They always seem so distant; they just feel like they are roommates, nothing more.

Should I make my dad marry his first love instead of my mother? After all, she also loved someone else. What's the point of making them stay with each other when they don't want to.

Now I think it's a forced marriage. Maybe my grandpa made my dad marry my mom. Grandpa, you are now on my hit list.

Mr.Kim sneezed in his office room.

"Come to the world," Namjoon said, waving his hand in front of him.

"Dad, no, I mean Namjoon. I'm kind of remembering something," Jungkook said, looking at him.

"Wow, what did you remember? tell me."

"I remember that I don't remember anything except my name."

Namjoon :😑

"I can't remember anything. Wahhhhhh" Jungkook started crying once he saw his dad getting angry. Crying is the perfect weapon.

"Ok, stop crying, Kook." Unknowingly, Namjoon used the nickname he used to call his brother.

"Kook?" Jungkook asked, as his dad never called him by this nickname.

"Oh, sorry, I used to call my brother like this; his name is also Kim Jungkook, and he kind of looks like you."

"Brother? You have a brother. Where is he?"

"He is dead," Namjoon replied, showing him the photos of Kim Jungkook.

Jungkook saw this and gasped. He never knew he had an uncle who had the same name and a similar face as him. It's not very similar; you just need to look closely to find it similar.

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