Chapter 19

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"Jay why pee?" Jungkook ask

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"Jay why pee?" Jungkook ask.

"You need to say in alphabet, alphabet J, alphabet Y, and alphabet P. JYP."

"Weird name"

"I know, I told him not to use that name. Do you want to know anything or have any confusion?"

"Yeah, so Cha Eun Woo and Minju are real, or are those also imaginary people?"

"They are real, but not from this timeline."

Jungkook felt sadness because they were his only friends on that timeline. He began to cry.

"Don't cry here; take this," Bang Si-hyuk said, giving him tissue papers.

"They are my friends." Jungkook cried out.

"Were. They were your friends, you were in the imaginative vision chamber." Bang Si-hyuk tries to comfort him, but his words create anger in Jungkook.

Jungkook threw the tissue at him, took another tissue, blow his nose and threw the tissue at him again.

"Devil child. What are you doing? This is disrespectful. Calm down, devil child."

"They are my friends; even though we are no longer together, our bond and relationship have not broken."

"Did you get it?"

"Yeah, I get it, devil child".

"So, my mom, Im Yoona. She is also from a different timeline."


"But why did you make Namjoon my father and Yoongi my uncle? You could have select other people."

"If I choose a different timeline people, it will be difficult for you to accept everyone. Would you try to be Namjoon's friend or brother if you don't even know who he is?"

"No, I wouldn't even talk to him then. But how come you made him my father and Yoongi my uncle? You could have made him my brother."

"And who will look after you when you're only four years old and Namjoon is six? People would have sent you two to an orphanage; even worse, what if someone adopted you and another couple adopted Namjoon? And don't forget that if I added more people as your parents, you'd hurt even more since you'd lose your imaginary parents." He elaborated.

"Oh, I get it. But why don't you add Taehyung, Jimin, Hobi, Yoonji, or Jin? Wait, isn't Jin is Namjoon's first love? I read in the diary," Jungkook mentioned.

"Yeah, I know that. I'm the one who put the diary in, with a few pages added by me. I put the proposing part and that heartbroken part, as that imaginary Namjoon isn't real, and there's no jin in that chamber; it was actually this Namjoon, your brother's diary. And as for why I didn't include your friends, as you can see, you get fond of them and have a different relationship with them in that chamber. So picture entering this world and witnessing them acting differently. It would have broken you and shattered your heart if your boyfriend had forgotten about you."

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