chapter 1 (Shouldn't have come back)

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Josies Pov:

One month passed by since I left mystic falls. I missed my sister, but I did the right thing, but that's what I believe. I only left to help Hope. I had to find a way to bring her humanity back. I shouldn't be thinking of that right now.
I was in my new house watching TV in my living room, until someone rung the bell. It was night I didn't know who it could be. I went to the door and opened, no one was there only a letter in the floor. I took the letter inside and opened. It was from Lizzie, I didn't expect her to send me a letter and not call me, kinda confused. I opened the letter. " Dear sister, I know you might be confused for sending you a letter than calling you or sending you a message but my phone broke so now I don't have a phone. So as you may know Hope still doesn't have a humanity and everything is going downhill! Hope is coming in the school and she does what she wants. She almost killed Mg! I don't think I can't anymore with her, I think you should stop trying ot save her, her humanity isn't gonna back. So I decided to kill her."

I read the letter and I was shocked for what Lizzie said. I couldn't let Lizzie kill Hope, yeah she might have no humanity but she still had a hard life, I feel like it's wrong for her to kill Hope, but even Hope is being rough less. I didn't know what to do, I didn't want Hope to die, she was there for me at everything, so now I have to be by her side and protect her.

I had to decide what to do. Or call her family or go back to Mystic falls. So then I thought again, probably calling her family would make things worse, so I decided to go back to Mystic falls.
I rushed to my bedroom and started packing.

I packed everything and then I had to get ready. I wore a white T-shirt and some black Jeans. I placed my things in the car and went inside my house again. I took my black jacket, my home keys, locked the house and left for mystic falls.


After some hour's I made it to Mystic falls, the ride was tiring, I know that I could just take the train but I wanted to have my car with me.

After some minutes I made it to the Salvatore boarding school.
I took a deep breath and opened the door.

I saw Lizzie taking with Mg in the living room. I walked there with a smile, I missed them. Lizzie saw me and she was smiling and run into me and hugged me really tight." Omg Josie! Your back!" I hugged her back." Yeah I'm back and you have some serious explanation to do." Lizze cleared her throat and we both after a minute of hugging, we let eachother." So you got the letter I suppose?"

"Yes I did Lizzie and you arleady know my answer. You are not gonna kill Hope!" I said with a high pitched voice. Lizzie groaned." Josie, you weren't here to see what Hope has be doing! She is roughless if you don't do what she wants she will make you or torture you. She isn't the same anymore."

I didn't wanna believe what lizzie was saying about Hope. Hope being a bad person? No it's not right she always was kind." I don't believe you Lizzie! Why would you say something like that about Hope? Hope isn't like that I know her."

Mg wasn't talking he just left me and Lizzie. Lizzie looked annoyed." Josie I'm sorry but the Hope you know is gone. She changed, she wants to be ruler of the world! And it was a bad idea for you to come back."

I looked at her confused."what do you mean? So your saying that I shouldn't have come back?"

She sighed." yes Josie you shouldn't have come back, bad idea for sending you this letter. Listen I would recommend you to leave, because Hope doesn't know that you are here and she planning something for you but I don't know what. She made me send you a letter, to make you come back."

I looked at her shocked." What are you talking about Lizzie?! So your saying thay you wouldn't send me the letter and that you don't actually wanna kill her?"

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