Chapter 3 Unexpected- "I'm sorry"

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Hope was shocked for what I said to her, I was about to leave my dorm but Hope had other plans.


Hope grabbed me by my waist and pinned me in a wall. She growled." You won't talk to me like that you understand!"

"And why not what you gonna do kill me?! Do it but then you will be all alone, what am I even saying your arleady are."

Hopes eyes were glowing gold with veins under her eyes." Don't get on my nerves Saltzman."

I actually loved making Hope angry." Or what your gonna punish me?" Hope chuckled." Your just giving me ideas love."

I gulped." What do you mean by that?" Hope just smirked." You will see." Hope throwed me in my bed and she went above me." I can smell your arousal, I know you want me Jo."

I blushed, Hope started rubbing my thigh." You were a bad girl Jo." Hope growled. Gosh that's hot.

"What now we can't talk don't worry I make sure that you will hit some high pitched notes." She smirked.

My cheeks were flushed red. Hope started kissing my neck leading to my jawline.

Josie was whimpering and Hope loved the sound. Hope started biting in Josies neck leaving some marks, like hickies, the brunette girl was moaning while Hope smirked, then she looked at Josies eyes, hope kissed her in the lips but then the kiss was rough and slippery. Hope was dominating Josie.

The auburn girl was planning kisses in Josies neck, while the brunette haired girl was moaning and whimpering.
"Ohhh Hopee." Josie started whining. And Hope was smirking at her.

Hope then placed her hand inside
Josies shirt rubbing her body, while Josie was whimpering, but did she want her to stop?

The auburn girl started kissing Josie passionately and  Josie was enjoying the moment, she didn't want Hope to stop. Josie placed her hand in Hopes back scratching it a bit, but Hope just grinned and brought Josie in a bruising kiss and pushing Her tongue into Josies mouth. Josie was deep moaning.

"I can't wait to make a meal out of you Josie." She husked to Josie. Then Hope took of her shirt and she was only in her sport bra." Take of your shirt." Hope demanded Josie.

Josie took of her shirt and throwed it on the floor. Josie layed on the bed and the Hope crawled in the bed and was above her. "Do you want me Jo?"

Josie just nodded." I want to hear it from you sweetheart." Hope said while rubbing Josie inner thigh." Yes I want you."

Hope smiled." Good." Hope started kissing and bitting Josies neck in result leaving red bruise and hickies in josies neck. Hope started kissing Josie in the lips and Hopes tongue was dominating Josie tongue, in this fight Josie knew that she would always lose.

Hope then lowered her head and started kissing Josie's whole body, Josie was moaning and whimpering, until someone started knocking on the door. Hope groaned." Josie is busy right now! Come back later!" Hope then was started kissing Josies body and licking it.

But then the person knocked again." Josie I know you aren't busy!" Then Josie pushed Hope while Hope grinned annoyed." Your sister can be really annoying you know."

Josie rolled her eyes." I know, wear your shirt." I throwed her shirt at her.
"Why wear a shirt, you probably love seeing me with only my bra." Hope smirked." Shut uppp." Josie said playfully while Hope chuckled." Okay fine. I will wear my shirt."

Lizzie was banging at the door. Josie opened the door." Can you stop being annoying as fuck?!" Lizzie gasped." Rude! Anyways, what is Hope doing here? And why aren't you wearing a shirt Josie?!"

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