Chapter 5 (don't know what to put for a title)

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Hope was driving somewhere and Josie was just looking through the window the sky." Josie I have a question." Josie then turned to look at Hope." What is it?"
Hope sighed." Remember when I left? You said that you Love me, you still do?"

Unexpected question." Why do you wanna know?" Hope groaned." I just want to know okay? It's no reason, so do you still love me?"

"I don't know and I don't have to tell you, you know." Hope nodded." Yeah you right, sorry for asking."

"No it's ok don't worry about it." Then there was an awkward silence. Hope cleared her throat." By the way, you don't hate me for killing you right?"

"Hope, why are you asking this questions?" Hope sighed." Listen, you weren't supposed to be sire bonded on me Jo."

Josie was looking at Hope while Hope was driving." What do you mean Hope?"
Hope looked at Josie for a second and turned back at the road." I'm saying that, someone to get sire bonded has to have feelings for that person before they turn."

"And you think that I love you? Maybe it's just because your a tribird I don't know, even If I still love you, I don't wanna talk about it, you left me remember and you came back just because you wanted revenge on my sister or something."

Hope nodded." And you killed me for no reason Hope. I just don't get you, you have mixed feelings." Hope sighed." Okay I get it Josie."

Josie sighed and looked at the road through the window. Josie felt asleep while Hope was still driving into that unknown place.

After 2 hours:

"Jo wake up, were here." Josie groaned.
"Noo, five more minutes, I'm tired."
Hope got annoyed." Jo! Get up!"
Josie groaned while she got up." Gosh I hate you." Hope rolled her eyes.

"Where are we?" Hope sighed." In my house." Josie blinked for some seconds.
"What?! For what reason?" Hope just ignored Josie." Hope hello?!"

Hope scoffed." Josie, would you mind? We are here because in this place no one can do a locator spell love." Hope said smiling.

"Oh. Make sense." Hope smirked at Josie.
"Anyways I'm gonna go to my room, if you want explore my house." Josie nodded.

Hope went upstairs, basically Hopes new house is a mansion. Josie took out her phone since Hope forgot about it, she send a message to Lizzie.

"Lizzie! I literally got kidnapped by Hope, she turned me into a Heretic, please help me."

I was waiting for an answer until Lizzie sent a message.

"Josie? Please tell me your joking." It's no time for jokes!"

Josie groaned. "No you stupid! Why would I lie about it?! I'm in Hopes home right now!"

Josies POV:

Then I heard Hope coming down stairs I immediately put my phone in my pants right poked. Hope raised her eyebrow.

"Your okay? You seem a bit off you know." I just nodded then a notification was heard from my phone. Hope looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"You have your phone with you?! I thought I took it from you." She went closer to me looking deadly at my eyes.
I gulped." Well you didn't say phones are allowed."

Hope scoffed." Okay then new rule, no phones, now give it." I nodded and gave it slowly to her. Hope took it and looked at the message Lizzie send her, a smile faded from Hope and she looked at me, while I was nervously smiling.

"Josie, where are you exactly so I can come?" Hope looked at the other messages, she had no reaction. Then Hope send a message by my phone to Lizzie.

Lizzie, tell me where you are, I escaped from Hope."

I gulped Hope wasn't looking at me but I knew that she was angry like really angry.

It was an awkward silence, I was just looking down while Hope was waiting for a message.

"Okay good, you sure your coming?"

Hope rolled her eyes. "Lizzie, I'm inisde the car and drove off where are you so I can pick you up?"

Lizzie: Okay I'm sending you my location, I'm with a girl named Aurora that want's to make Hope suffer, see? My plan will work! After we torture Hope, we are gonna kill her, I hope you have some Weapons."

Hope looked sad, even tho she had no humanity I could see it, she sighed. "Okay send me location I'm driving there."

After some minutes of silence Lizzie send the location, Hope looked at it, she smirked. Then she looked at me." Welp, wear something black, it's your sisters funeral."

"What? No Hope please, just leave my sister alone, she doesn't know where you are you don't hav-"

"Shut up Josie, your lucky I didn't kill you, I actually should have killed you from the start." She broke one of her chairs and took the wodden stake.

I gulped, I took some steps back. "Hope please don't do it."

"Why shouldn't I? I mean, you want me dead right? So why should I let you live? Every time I tried to trust someone they were betraying me, so tell me why should I let you."

"Okay fine Hope! I will tell you why! I love you! Okay I still love you, I can't hate you."

Hope was staring at me and she started laughing, I looked at her confused." Ugh, that's pathetic." She then vampire speed at me and stabbed me in the stomach, I gasped, I looked her in the eyes while tears from my eyes fell.

I feel to the floor in pain, gasping for air while Hope was smirking. She knelt down.

"See Josie? Doesn't it hurt feeling all that pain?" I was looking at her trying to take out the stake but she pushed it in my stomach again, I screamed in pain.

" This is how it felt when I had emotions, every pain, everything. So no I don't have mercy on me, the old Hope is gone, like bye bye."

She then took the stake out, I gasped in relief. I started crying sobbing in pain.
Hope rolled her eyes while she throwed the stake in the trash.

I was still in shock, knelt down on the floor. Hope was looking at me." I'm not gonna apologize, so get up, it's not like it didn't heal."

I got up looking at her." Yeah maybe your right, your not the same, I don't love you Hope, I don't love this version of you! i didn't fell in love with this version of you!"

Hope groaned." Josie stop-"

" I feel in love with the old you, you know the caring one, not you and I hate you for that, you took the real Hope away, because you couldn't handle the pain, you couldn't handle that Landon died. Get over it he's dead!"

Hope growled  but Josie didn't stop talking." Your mad? i don't care, because of you I'm now a fucking ripper, because you decide, hey let's destroy someones life!"

"Josie if you don't fucking stop talking."
Then the brunette girl interrupted Hope.
"What? What are you gonna do?"

This chapter is a little short, but I'm working on chapter 6.

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