chapter 7 (No emotions)

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Then Hope looked at me and smirked." Actually.. turn it off."

"What?" Hope walked closer to Josie and looked at her eyes." I said turn it, off."

Josie pushed Hope away." No!" Hope growled. Lizzie gulped. Then the older girl pushed Josie into a wall in result making her hit her head.

"Turn it off!" Hope shouted at Josie looking her at her eyes, compelling her.

Josie gasped. Lizzie looked was shocked.
"What did you do?"

Hope smirked and looked at Lizzie." I fixed her."

Josie turned it off, no feelings, nothing.
"Now." Josie was looking at her sister.

Lizzie was looking at her sister." I'm sorry Josie, I promise I will come back."

Lizzie vampire speed away." Am I supposed to care or what?" Josie said chuckling.

Hope smirked." Oh well, how about we go somewhere else since your bitchy sister run away and I'm lazy to kill her."

"Whatever Hope." Then Josie started walking away." Where are you going?"

Josie stopped walking." I don't know, I mean I can't feel anything so It doesn't really matter, probably gonna go for killing spree."

Hope smirked." You do realise you have to do everything I say right?"

Josie scoffed." You do realise I don't care right."

Hope rolled her eyes." You can be really annoying sometimes."

"So? I don't care about your opinion Hope." The auburn girl growled, making Josie chuckle."

Then Hope vampire speed at Josie grabbing her by the neck." Look at me when I'm talking to you!"

"Jeez, control your anger issues Hope." Josie said mocking Hope and pushing her away.

Hope rolled her eyes." Okay whatever, let's go eat then." Josie nodded following Hope.

Lizzies POV:

I runned away, my sister turned her humanity off, I called Mg to pick me up from a gas station.

I called my mom.


Lizzie: Hey mom.

Caroline: Hi sweetie! How are you?

Lizzie sighed: Mom, things aren't great.

Caroline: what do you mean Lizzie, what happened?

Lizzie: Josie is a heretic.

Caroline: What?! How did this happen? Is she with you so I can talk to hear?

Lizzie: Mom, Hope turned her and It's my fault, she made Josie turn her humanity off.

Caroline: omg..Sweetie it's not your fault, listen go back to the boarding school and I will be there.

Lizzie: okay mom, Mg is gonna be here any minute so he can take me back to the boarding school.

Caroline: Okay sweetie, love you and everything is gonna be alright don't worry.

Lizzie: Love you mom.

End of call

Josies POV:

Me and Hope were feeding on others in a bar, we were unstoppable together. Then someone called me.

I groaned and looked at my phone. Hope looked confused." Who is it"

"It's my mom calling." I groaned." Since when is she calling at first place."

"I don't know, pick it up if you want, I don't mind."

I nodded and picked it up.

Josie: Hi Mom.

Caroline: Josie are you okay?

Josie: Why wouldn't I, I'm great actually, I even bother why you called, your literally wasting your time.

Caroline: Josie, I know that you turned it off.

Josie groaned: Let me guess Lizzie told you? Listen I'm fine and I would recommend you to not try anything, because no emotions is great, no pain, no regret.

Caroline: Josie! This isn't the solution.

Josie: It's not like it was my fault tho, Hopes was but she did the right thing, much better with no emotions and a little information, I'm not any heretic, I'm a ripper heretic. Cool right?

Caroline: What?! Josie where the heck are you?!

Josie: somewhere, anyways gotta go bye!

No ones POV:

And before Caroline could say anything Josie hanged her up.

Hope was smirking at Josie." I like this new you, it's more hot."

Josie smirked." Oh really? So you like this me?' Hope walked closer to Josie, inches apart." Yeah I actually do."

Josie smirked." Anyways so with that Aurora girl,what are we gonna do?" Hope sighed." I don't know, probably kill her with the most painful way."

The brunette girl nodded.

I know very short chapter, but I have with school to deal and football.

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