Chapter 9 Showing emotions

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In the morning

Hopes POV

I woke up and saw Josie having her hands wrapped around me and her head in my neck. I smiled softly.

I saw the time and it was 13:00AM, my eyes widened, we would be late for the dinner if we didn't get up. I tried waking up Josie.

"Josie love, it's time to wake up." Josie just mumbled." Noo, five more minutes." She whined. I chuckled." Josie we have to get up."

Josie groaned." Noo, your to warm to get up." She mumbled in my neck. I rolled my eyes.

"Jo get up, we are gonna be late for dinner." The brunette girl slowly got up, her eyes were sleepy. I got up from the bed while she still sitting there.

Then she leaned in the bed again. I groaned." Josie! Get up you sleepyhead."
She ignored me and I scoffed at her, she leaned the other way.

Before she could know I grabbed a glass of water and throwed it at her. She gasped." What the hell Hope?!" I laughed." You weren't gonna get up so I made you, now get your ass up."

"Noooo, why can't we just stay home? besides it's gonna be a waste of time."I chuckled." Better than staying home."

Josie started whining." But I don't wanna go!" I narrowed my eyes at her." Josie we aren't gonna stay there for that long, I promise."

"Okay fine, by the way why the hell did you snap my neck?" I looked at her." Well why did sleep near me?" I said raising my eyebrow.

"Okay fair enough." I chuckled while Josie rolled her eyes." Now come on get up."

"Do we have to go?" I sighed and looked at Josie that was arleady looking at me with brown eyes." Yes Josie, it might be fun."

Josie looked at me dead serious." Yeah right, anyways I'm gonna get ready."

I nodded, Josie went to the bathroom with an outfit holding in her hands.

I opened my closet and looked for an outfit. Something got my eye, some black jeans, a red V-neck shirt and my black leather jacket. I wore it and It looked so good in me.

Josie got out of the bathroom wearing some blacks jeans, a white top shirt and black leather jacket." You're gorgeous."

Josie smiled." Thank you, I can say the same about you." I smiled and then this awkward silence again, looking at eachother.

Josie cleared her throat." Okay let's go." I nodded. We walked downstairs. Before we left Josie went to the fridge. I raised my eyebrow." What are you doing?"

"What do you think I'm doing I'm taking blood bag with me."

"But we have in the car." I said to her.

"Oh, yeah I forgot." She closed the fridge and we left.

In the Salvatore school:

Freyas POV:

We were all in the living room. (Caroline, Alaric, Lizzie, Klaus, Hayley, Elijah, Kol, Rebekah, Marcel)

Klaus spoke first." So what's the plan?"

"So, first of all you, Hayley and Elijah aren't gonna be in the dinner, because we are gonna need to do something with Josie, so then Hope wil get mad. Then when she is out of control you and Hayley are gonna show up first."

Everyone nodded expect for Klaus. "What if something goes wrong?"
Hayley rolled her eyes." Klaus, nothing is gonna go wrong you should stop thinking negative."

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