chapter 10

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"I swear if anyone is here." I looked up to only see.."Dad?"

"Hello my littlest wolf." He said in a smile. I got up from the bed." No, this isn't true, I'm just dreaming. Your dead! You can't be alive." I felt tears falling for my eyes.

He walked closer to me." Hope it's me, it's not a dream, I know it's complicat-"

"H-how are you back?!" I sobbed." I'm gonna explain everything alright, but I promise you it's me." He said.

I walked closer to touch him, it felt real, I hugged him really tight, he hugged me back, tears falling from my eyes. I cried and cried." I-I'm s-sorry! I'm such a disappointment!"

"No sweetie you aren't." I heard a familiar voice. I turned around and saw my mom." M-mom?" She smiled.

I runned at her and hugged her she hugged me back, then my dad hugged me from the back." It's all my fault! I-I tried to hurt aunt F-freya!" I said in a crying voice.

"Hope it's alright, everyone do mistakes." We sat down in the bed." I'm so sorry, I'm sorry for being like this!"

My mom hugged me." No sweetie don't say that. You had no humanity, everyone is doing bad things."

I sobbed." No, no, no. I even turned Josie, I destroyed her life, I forced her to turn off her humanity! Omg..what happened to her, where is she?!"

"Hope, calm down. We don't know where Josie is, she left when no one was looking." My dad said.

I got up." What?! Omg, this is all my fault! I-If I didn't turn her she would have a normal life. I took that away of her."

I knelt down, I was on my knees crying. My mom knelt down so did my dad. My mom went Infront of me and grabbed my hands softly.

"Hope, listen everything is gonna be alright." My mom said.

"No mom. It's not alright I destroyed Josies life, I forced her to kill her sister and she almost did! I did awful things, all of this so she could hate me!"

"What do you mean hate you?" My dad asked me.

"I tried to be rough with her, because I knew that if I didn't she would find the way to open my humanity, she was my everything! I lost her and it's my fault."

I cried so badly that my head started hurting." I don't wanna feel like this mom! I can't, it hurts so bad, knowing the things I did, I destroyed someone's life! Not only that, I killed many people, I took innocents people life."

My dad hugged me and my mom also.
"It's killing me, I don't wanna feel like this, why does it hurt so bad?" I asked them with tears in my eyes.

My dad spoke." Thats how it is after opening your humanity, but then you recover, it hurts at the start, but then you will find the way to be okay and we are here for you, even Elijah and don't worry we will find Josie, just please relax and calm down."

I nodded. We stayed hugging eachother and talking for hours. They tried to make me laugh. I was kinda happy that they were back but I destroyed someone's life because I was scared to fall in love.

One week later:

We were seeing in the news about dead bodies, thanks to Josie, she was still missing.

"She killed so many people and we still didn't find her! How the fuck is it possible?!" Lizzie said in anger.

"The locator spell isn't working, only when she is out of the location we can't find." Freya said.

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