chapter 11

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Her face looked blanked, I walked closer to her and caressed her cheek and looked at her eyes." Please turn it back on."

She grabbed my hand slowly." I can't, I'm scared."

"And I'm gonna be here for you Jo, please just come back." Josie pushed me away.

"I can't, I don't want to. You can't just force me." Josie said backing away from me.

"I know I can't, I know." I said in a sad voice.

"But I can." Before Josie could react Lizzie infected Josie with vervain, making her pass out. Lizzie grabbed Josie before she could fall in the floor.

Caroline, my dad and aunt Freya came upstairs." Okay let's go." Caroline said.

I carried Josie in the car and put her in the back passenger seat. I took some cuffs that prevented her from doing spells.

We all got in the car and started driving back at the Salvatore school.

After some hours:

Josies POV:

I groaned waking up, in a cell, my wrists where cuffed. I saw my mom, my dad and Lizzie looking at me waking up. I scoffed.

"So that's the plan you're all just kidnapped me and locked me here just because I have no humanity?"

My mom sighed." Sweetie it's for your own good, you are out of control! Seriously right now you killed thousands of people."

I rolled my eyes." So? Do I have to apologize now? Besides you can't just lock me in here!" I shouted at her.

"Well to bad we did, your gonna stay there until you open your humanity on." Lizzie said.

"Yeah you think, not in a chance!" I Said. Caroline groaned.

Then my dad spoke." Well just for you concern, this means no blood, because you are out of control with blood."

"Oh I'm sorry! But if I wasn't turned into a heretic we wouldn't be in this situation right now!" I shouted at them.

My mom sighed." We are gonna leave you for now alone." I nodded and they left.


Hours passed by, I could feel the hunger. I started feeling rage, I tried to take out this cuffs but they wouldn't break.

"You are gonna hurt you hands if you keep trying to take them off you know." I heard hope saying outside the cell leaning in a wall looking at me.

"Thanks for the information Hope. But right now I don't care." I tried again to break them but I was only hurting my wrists.

"Okay stop that your hurting yourself." I heard hope saying in a worried voice." What if I don't? What are you gonna do?"

Hope got in the cell." Will you stop with this attitude?" She closed the door and looked at me.

"What attitude?" I asked her annoyed. Hope scoffed." Josie, If you still are gonna be like this."

"What?! What are you gonna do Ho-."

Hope grabbed me by the neck and pushed into the wall, holding me by my neck, her eyes were gold and she was growling." You won't talk to me like that you understand?!"

I pushed Hope away and slapped her in the face, leaving a red mark in her face. She looked at me, her eyes went back blue.

We had this eye contact for some seconds that looked like hours.

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