Chapter 8: The plan

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Lizzies POV:

I got out my car and rushed inisde the Boarding school, I saw my mom and runned to hug her, she hugged me back.

"It's okay Lizzie your safe, your okay." I started crying and sobbing at the same time." Sweetie don't cry it's not your fault."

"N-no mom it's m-my fault! I wanted to kill Hope but Josie didn't! She made Josie a monster and it's my fault." I fell down on my knees crying, my mom tried to comfort me.

"Lizzie, it's not your fault, we are gonna find a solution and bring Josies humanity back."

I nodded and Caroline sad smiled." It's much worse this time tho, she isn't just a heretic like you Liz...She is a ripper."

My eyes winded." What?! Your joking right?!" My mom sighed." I wish I was, but don't worry I have an idea."

I raised my eyebrow." What idea?" Caroline then started talking." So, right now, Hope and Josie have no humanity right?"

"Right." I said, then my mom nodded." So if bring Hopes parents back and her uncle, then she will probably turn it on."

I was confused." First of all how are we gonna bring them back? And secondly, what about Josie?"

Then Freya appeared with Davina, then the other alive Mikaelsons entered in. I smiled, Freya smiled back and she talked." So, first we are gonna bring back Klaus, Hayley and Elijah, then when Hope opens her humanity, Hope is gonna force her to open Josies humanity."

I nodded." But bringing someone back means sacrifices right?" Freya chuckled." No sweetie, we just needed they ashes and powerful witches."

"Ohhh, alright, when are we gonna do the spell?" Freya smirked." Tonight, right now."

Before I could speak Davina interrupted.
"We will make sure no harm, we just want the best for everyone." I sighed." Alright, how?"

Davina and Freya smiled." Okay so, we are gonna channel my family and then do the spell, but when you can't keep up anymore your gonna stop alright, your gonna then leave everything else to me and Davina."

I nodded." Okay."

Hopes POV:

Since Josie turned her humanity off everything is fun, we are unstoppable, bar after bar killing others and having fun.

We we're killing everyone we meet and Josie was killing with no mercy and no regret, but still wonder how it would feel if she opened her humanity again.

I didn't learn her to control her bloodlust but I learned her how to be a vampire the basics and how to fight. It was night we were at my house, Josie was reading a book.

She was sitting on the couch, I walked near her." What are you reading?"

"A book I found in your house." I nodded. I took a seat in the couch beside her." Soooo, I was thinking maybe we should do something."

She looked at me." Like what?" I smirked looking at her brown eyes." Anything."
Josie nodded." You choose then."

"Okay then, how about we go in a bar and you knoww." Josie sighed and closed the book." Okay fine whatever."

I smiled then we both got ready and went to the car.

In the Salvatore school:

Lizzies POV:

We got ready for the spell to bring them back. We started saying a spell, I felt the power going through my veins.

Caroline and Alaric where looking at me in a worried face.

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