chapter 6

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"Josie if you don't fucking stop talking."
Then the brunette girl interrupted Hope.
"What? What are you gonna do?"

Hope smirked she pushed Josie in a wall and she hit her back, then Hope vampire speed at Josie and she kissed her roughly in the lips, Josie whimpered, Hope grabbed her by the waist, their body's we're touching, josie was whimpering, the younger girl couldn't hate Hope.

The older girl placed her hands on Josies waist, kissing every part of her neck, leaving hickies but they were healing, hope groaned in frustration.

When Hope was about to kiss Josie in the lips the brunette girl pushed Hope away.
"No we can't. I can't." Hope looked confused." Why not? I know you want it Jo. Why refuse something that might happen once in a lifetime?"

"Because I'm not a toy, that you can play with and do whatever you want to do. That's why, besides it's wrong."

Hope rolled her eyes." It's not wrong. Actually tell me why is it wrong?"

"I don't know, it doesn't feel right, I actually know why. Because you want to kill my sister."

Hope chuckled." No my dear Josette, I'm not gonna kill your sister." Josie raised her eyebrow.

Hope Sighed." You will." Hope then smiled. Josie had no words." W-what?"

"I'm not gonna repeat myself Jo, you heard it." Josie scoffed." It's not like I will, I'm not gonna let you."

"Hope laughed." That's the thing love, you can't do anything about it, I'm the sire your the bond, remember?"

Josie clearly forgot about it, Hope was smirking. Josie was looking at Hope, no emotions, Josie couldn't feel anything at this time.

The younger girl shakily sighed." I actually can't hate you, myself won't let me, I hate that I'm in love with you and you don't care. I feel bad for myself even letting you kiss me. I thought you still even had that a bit of humanity but you clearly don't, but I'm not gonna gonna give up, I'm gonna keep trying to bring it back, even if that means that I'm gonna have you to kill me to stop me."

Hope scoffed." That's pathetic, you should actually give up arleady."

"Your lucky I can't even hurt you." Hope rolled her eyes." Just go change you have blood on your shirt."

"That's what all you have to say? "Go change?" Maybe your the pathetic one Hope, because your scared of your own emotions."

Hope eyes looked hurt though, even with no humanity she started feeling things, looking at Josie, she was hurt feeling like she hurt the girl she loved but couldn't accept.

"Your done?" Hope said harshly." Yeah I'm done talking, your right maybe I should stop caring about you, I actually should stop loving you, because that's what you want, your are pushing everyone away."

Hope chuckled harshly. She started feeling pain, the words josie was spilling out of her mouth was hurting Hopes feeling, but she wasn't showing it.

"Just go change the fuck already, the room is upstairs." Josie scoffed and went upstairs.

Hope sat in the couch, she felt a tear from her eye, she immediately wiped it away.

Hopes POV:

I'm starting to feel things again, it hurt me, the words josie spilled, it broke me.
But I didn't want to feel this feeling.

I got up from the couch and went to the kitchen, I took a glass and then a bottle of bourbon, I poured the bourbon in my glass and closed the bottle of bourbon.

I choose you.~Hosie~Where stories live. Discover now