Chapter 14

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Hopes POV

"Dear diary,

A week passed after the incident with Alaric, my family went back to new Orleans because they had some things to do and Josie she is training with her mom to how to control her blood lust. As for Lizzie me and her friendship is great again, we apologised and everything is good between us, the school started working normally again and now Caroline is the headmaster since Alaric is in the cell locked for now. Life is good right now, I'm happy, my parents are back and yeah life is great."

That's it, I closed my diary book, put the pen down and got up from bed. I was wearing my black crop top with some grey sweatpants with my abs showing. It was Saturday so we didn't have any classes. As for Josie she is right now with Caroline.

I decided to go to Mg my best friend, yeah our friendship is good again. I was walking in the hallway and I listened to people with my vampire hearing them  gossiping about me.

I sighed and ignored them. After a minute a was finally in Mg dorm. I knocked on his door waiting for a response.

"Come in!" Mg shouted. I opened the door and saw him with a iron man shirt sitting on his chair.

He grinned and I smiled back at him.
" Hey Mg." I said hugging him." Hey Hope. Is Josie with Caroline?" He asked backing away from the hug.

I backed away from the hug too." Yep, now I'm bored, Alaric still on the cell right?" I asked him.

He nodded." So, how's things with Josie?" He asked me.

We both sat at his bed." Well. Everything is great, she makes me happy and makes me forget all the terrible things I did." I said the last part with some guilt.

Mg touched my shoulder." Hey it's alright you had no humanity." He smiled and I smiled back at him.

"Thanks Mg." I said to him.

"No problem, let me guess Josie is with her mom training her bloodlust." He asked with some kind of way.

"Yep." I simply said.

"How's is she dealing with it?" He asked with curiosity.

"It's hard for her, but she tries her best. She doesn't back down, she is strong and that's why I love her." I said smiling.

"Awww, I totally shipped you and Josie from the beginning you were just to blind to see it." He said.

I rolled my eyes." Alright okay I was to blind."

He chuckled then he got serious." So I have a question for you, what if Landon came back, what would happen then, would.. stil get back with him?" He asked me.

That's when I didn't have an answer." Uhm, I actually don't know.." I responded to him.

He raised his eyebrow." You still love him, don't you?" He asked me.

"I don't know Mg, alright! I don't know, the only thing I know is that I love Josie, I don't wanna talk about Landon." I said and started walking away.

"Wait! Hope! I'm sorry!" He shouted but I arleady stormed out.

Am I still in love with Landon? No, no I'm not, I love Josie!

I took a deep breath and the voices in my head about Landon stopped.

I saw Lizzie talking with Ethan. I approached them." Hey guys, have you both seen Josie?" I asked them.

"Yeah, she just came back, she's in the dorm." Lizzie said.

I nodded." Thanks Lizzie." I said and walked away to go find Josie.

After some walking I made it to her dorm, I knocked at the door.

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