Chapter 13

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Josies POV:

I woke up in my room and rubbed my back of the neck." People need to stop snapping my neck." I groaned.

"Or maybe you should stop trying to kill yourself." A familiar voice was heard. It was Hayley.

"Uhm, what are you talking about?" I said nervously.

"You know exactly what I mean Josie, you are very young to kill yourself!" Hayley said.

"Well the people I killed where young too, so what's the point of being alive with all this guilt?" I said getting up from bed.

Hayley sighed." Josie, listen you weren't yourse-"

I interrupted her." I was myself! Alright, just because someone turns off the humanity doesn't mean that they are not there self." I said in anger.

Hayley raised her eyebrow." First of all don't raise your voice young lady!" My eyes widened with the way she spoke to me." Sorry." I said guilty.

Hayley sighed." No it's okay, sorry for shouting at you, but with what you said it's like you think its Hopes fault for turning you."

"N-no it's different, I don't mean it like that." I said looking down.

"You love her, don't you?" Hayley asked me smiling.

I smiled." I do, I really love her." I responded looking at Hayley with a tear falling from my eye, I sat to my bed looking at her.

She looked at me with a sad face." Then live for her and your family, Hope doesn't want to lose you, she is in love with you and we both know she will break if you die." Hayley said sitting next to me.

"I know and I love her so fucking much, but I don't think I deserve her." Hayley looked at me." That's not true, you deserve her and she deserves you. You and Hope  are meant for eachother and I'm not saying that because Hope is my daughter because it's just a fact even your mom believes it."

"I might love her but I hear this voices in my head that are telling me that I don't deserve her. I choose so many times others and not her, I feel so bad for that, I don't wanna hurt her again." I said looking down.

"Josie listen, bad things happen in life and bad choices but it doesn't mean you don't deserve her, she loves you more than anything and if you die her whole heart will be crashed in million pieces and trust me I know it because I have been watching Hope and trust me, her and that bird boy was not it." Hayley said the last part in disgust.

I chuckled." Yeah Landon, crazy I once was with him." I said in disgust. I looked at Hayley.

"And what should I do now, I made Hope sad, my dad hates me and wants to kill me, so what am I supposed to do?" I said.

"Don't worry about your dad and I think you should talk to Hope." Hayley said softly.

I smiled and we hugged eachother. "Thank you."

"No I thank you for being there for Hope." Hayley said backing away." Now go find Hope." I nodded and vamped away.

Hopes POV:

I was in my room painting random things until someone just got in my room." You know you can knock fir-"
I said turning around and saw Josie.

I immediately let the things down and rushed to hug Josie while she walked over to me. We hugged eachother." I'm so sorry Hope, I'm sorry for trying to kill myself." Josie said trying not to cry.

"It's okay, it's okay Jo, I'm here baby, I'm here for you." I said and hugged her tightly.

We were in this position for some minutes that felt like hours, we backed away and I saw tears in her cheeks. I wiped them away and smiled. She smiled back at me.

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