chapter 12

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After some minutes I heard a knock in my room.

"Josie, wake up." The younger girl whined." Nooo."

I groaned." I heard a knock, go hide!"
Josies eyes widened, she vampire speed in my bathroom. I opened the door and saw my dad worried.

"Hey dad, before you say anything."
I said to him that Josie couldn't hear." Josie is in there, so say a lie or something."

My dad nodded."We have a problem, Josie got away and Alaric..he is dead. We were to late to save him." My dad said.

" Please tell your joking?" I said faking my sadness.

"I wish I was, he is gone." He sighed.

"What are we gonna do now?" I asked my dad.

"We don't know, but for now we have to find Josie."

"Yeah, we do." I cleared my throat." Anyways can you go I want to take a bath."

"Okay sweetie,we will talk later." I nodded. He smiled and told me." Now you know what to do." I smiled back at him.

He got out. I sighed, I saw Josie getting out with a blank expression. She didn't even look at me.

No one of us was talking. She was looking at the wall.

But then Josie spoke first." I killed my dad didn't?"


"No don't, don't even, I-I killed him. Omg I killed my dad!" She said with tears falling from her eyes.

"Josie, please calm down."

"I-I can't, it hurts so bad! I killed so fucking many people, I'm a monster!" She said crying and sobbing.

"Josie, it's not your fault."

"How is this not my fault Hope! I killed him and not only him many other innocent people."

"Josie, it's my fault for turning you."

"Stop saying that! Stop taking the blame for once, Its not your fault! I killed them not you." She said in crying voice.

"Josie, it is my fault! I never learned you about control."

"Even if you did? Would it change everything?! It wouldn't Hope, I'm a monster." She said falling to her knees.

"I rushed to her and hugged her." Jo please stop saying that about yourself."

She shaked her head." No, no I can't, it hurts so bad that I can't breathe!" She cried in my shoulder.

"Josie everything is gonna be alright okay, I'm here alright and I'm sorry for doing this to you."

"Stop taking the blame Hope please, I can't even blame you about it."

I raised my eyebrow." What do you mean? Why? It's my fault tho, I turned you."

"Just because you turned doesn't mean I'm gonna blame you. Hope I-"


She looked at me." Josie what did you wanna say?"

"I love you." Josie said looking at me.

"What?" I asked.

"I love you Hope, I fucking love you that's why I can't blame you. I always even with no humanity, that's why I was always sleeping with you, I felt safe, you make me feel safe, I didn't care that you never learned me how to control my bloodlust. I just wanted to be with you."

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