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10 Years Later...

Time flies when you're having fun. A phrase Y/n and Normani know well with all of the fun they've had over the last ten years. Vacations, holidays, tours, collaborations, award wins. You name it, they've experienced it. Not to mention their beautiful four children they've raised along the way.

Their first born, Sebastian, basically felt like he was their blood child. The now 17-year-old high school senior was thriving in the care of his adoptive parents. An honors student with a 3.9 GPA, All-American baseball player dominating right field and hitting, and a first string saxophone player in his school's marching band. Sebastian has made a national name for himself, all by himself with the support of his siblings and his parents.

The twins are all grown up too. At 12 going on 13, Noah and Nyla demonstrate how alike and different twins can be. Noah has grown to fall in love with space thanks to the many nights her, her siblings, and Y/n stargazed in their backyard. Nyla grew an affinity with the arts in her own right, having a natural gift for playing piano and guitar with a knack for painting like her mother Normani. Both girls also take part in competitive cheerleading and dance, a passion they enjoy together.

Last, but certainly not least, Nyx keeps his family on their toes. The almost 10-year-old has grown a love for sports and gaming thanks to his older brother. He plays both football and baseball, a star in both sports. Nyx also loves to indulge in vintage gaming just like his mama Y/n. A habit they once bonded over often.

If that wasn't enough, Y/n and Normani had created an impressive set of achievements for themselves as well. Y/n was now a Grammy Award winning artist and producer, selling millions of albums, all while helping Parkwood Entertainment develop their new talent as the label continues to expand. Normani on the other hand, has leaned into acting and choreographing for other artists over the past decade, staring in many films, winning many awards for her choreography, and several Grammy Awards as well. They had everything they ever wanted to create the picture perfect family.... Well, almost.

Wednesday, August 23rd, 2034

"Hey Bash. Sorry I'm a few minutes late. Traffic was hell today." Y/n greeted her son as he placed his saxophone case in the back seat. He sat in the front seat and buckled up, doing their signature handshake.

"Hey mama, it's all good. I heard there were a few accidents."

"Felt like it was one every three exits. How was practice? Did you hear back about the drum major tryouts?"

"Well.." Bash went silent, teasing his mother with suspense.

"Oh come on, don't torture me!"

"I got it! I'm the new drum major!"

"No way! Congratulations Bash, you deserve it! You keep your section in check more than anybody in that band."

"Thanks mama. Apparently hard work does pay off."

"It really does, I'm proud of you." Y/n smiled as she drove, truly meaning her admission of pride. Sebastian beamed with pride, trying to play it cool.

"Is ma home yet? I wanna tell her and see her reaction."

"If not, she will be soon after we get there. She took the gremlins shopping for clothes and school supplies."

"Okay cool."

When the two arrived home, Normani and the remaining three children arrived shortly afterwards. Each one of them carrying several shopping bags in each hand. Noah and Nyx's mouths were stained blue from the ICEEs they had, Nyla's red.

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