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Friday, October 13th, 2034

Another long week comes to a close for the Y/l/n family. Between football games for Nyx and the twins, going to Lexington games to watch Sebastian lead the band, and work for Y/n and Normani, they were glad to see the weekend finally come. Both Normani and Y/n got off early today to make sure they had enough time to change and get ready for dinner with Bey.

"Babe, can you help me zip up my dress? I can't reach it." Normani yelled from inside their closet.

"Yeah I got you." Y/n zipped up the dress and helped Normani fluff out her hair.

"Thank you." she smiled as Y/n finished.

"You're welcome baby."

"Are you nervous?"

"I don't know, I think so. I have a feeling something big is happening but I'm not sure what. Everything at work is the same for the most part so I don't know what to expect."

"Well, maybe she just wants to have a regular dinner with us. Maybe it's nothing at all." Normani said as she straightened Y/n's cufflinks.

"Beyoncé Giselle Knowles asking us to a regular dinner at Nobu? Yeah right. She probably wants to give us the nuclear codes or some wild shit like that." the couple laughed.

"Fair point. Whatever it is, I'm sure you can handle it. I got your back regardless, you know this." Normani kissed Y/n sweetly. "Now come on so we can be on time."

They both sprayed their signature scents, primped one last time, and went downstairs to brief their children before they left.

"Aye y'all listen up." Y/n got their attention. "Your mother and I are going out to dinner with your grandmother-"

"Grandma Drea or Grandma Bey?" Nyx interrupted.

"Probably Grandma Drea, BB was just in Paris yesterday." Sebastian answered.

"But you know she got the private jet, so it could be her." Nyla said.

"Hello? I was talking." Y/n but in.

"My apologies miss girl." Nyx joked.

"That's not a girl, that's Ms.Toler!" Noah chimed in and the kids bust out laughing.

"Come on y'all, listen to your mama." Normani said as she finished laughing.

"Anyways, we're going to dinner at Nobu with BB. You have our numbers of course if anything happens. There's plenty of food in the fridge and freezer but do not eat up everything." Y/n looked towards her sons.

"We won't." Sebastian and Nyx said together.

"Thank you. Megan will be over later on to hang with you guys around 8, but if something happens that's not an emergency call her, okay?"

"Don't forget to put on the alarm, don't open the door for anyone but Megan, don't have anybody else in the house, and please clean up after yourselves. If we come home to a dirty house, y'all gon' have even more fun deep cleaning it tomorrow morning. Understood?" Normani chimed in.

"Yes ma'am." the kids answered.

"Good, we love you. Be safe, and have fun okay?" Normani and Y/n gave their kisses and went on their way.

When they arrived at the restaurant, Bey was already there waiting for them. She reserved a private section of the restaurant so they could enjoy their meal without interruptions from fans and people staring.

"Hey mama, long time no see." Y/n hugged Bey tightly and Bey hugged back just the same.

"It's so good to see you! Normani, looking beautiful as always!"

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