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Tuesday, September 5th, 2034

Noah stretched out her legs and arms as she lined up on the start line of the outdoor track. Today was the beginning of their annual fitness assessments in gym class, starting with the timed mile run. This was a cakewalk for Noah since she was already in great shape from dance and cheerleading. At this point, she just wanted to get it over with.

"How's it feel to know you're bouta get smoked?" Quentin lined up next to Noah.

"Yeah right. You'll be lucky to eat my dust. That's if you can get that close to me." she replied.

"We'll see about then huh?"

"Yup, loser has to buy the winner a snack at lunch?" Noah holds her hand out for him to shake.

"You're on." he shakes and they turn their attention to their gym teacher's whistle.

"Alright, this is just a starting point for the year. At the end of the school year, we'll run these exams again to see how you progressed. Run at your own pace, but try to finish as close to the healthy threshold time as possible! Don't overwork yourselves either. Understood?"

Mr.Wagner looked around to make sure he had everyone's understanding. When he saw he had everyone's attention, he blew his whistle and started his stop watch. The class took off around the track at different paces, with Nyla and Quentin ahead of everyone.

"Out of breath already Q? You can do better than that!" Noah teases.

"You're like a half step ahead of me!"

"But ahead nonetheless!" Noah speeds up just a bit, lengthening the distance between them.

Three laps seem to go by quick for Noah, beginning her fourth and final lap with a burst of energy. Quentin was still trailing behind her, convinced he would overtake her at the last minute. As for Brooke and Tiana, they'd given up two laps ago, opting to walk the last three instead of run or jog.

"I can't believe Mr.Wagner has us out here running in this hot ass heat!" Brooke whined, wiping sweat from her eyebrows.

"Seriously, isn't this like a hazard or something?" Tiana answered.

"It's cruel and unusual punishment!" Brooke rolled her eyes in annoyance. Suddenly, they heard footsteps coming up behind them, as they turned around they saw Noah gaining on them.

"Damn she's fast as hell." Tiana whispered to Brooke as Noah ran past them, Quentin not far behind.

"Of course she is. She runs like she's trying to join the football team or the marines."

"What? She's just running. Are you on about that lady like stuff again?"

"Hell yes I am! It's just so unusual for her and Nyla to be identical. One came out pretty and sweet, and the other came out Noah." Brooke and Tiana chuckled quietly so no one would hear.

Unfortunately, Noah did hear their snickers and she felt her cheeks heat up in embarrassment. Her eyes began to well up with tears involuntarily, but she quickly shook that away, hoping Quentin didn't hear what they said. Once she crossed the finish line she slowed to a halt, trying to catch her breath. Quentin was right behind her, falling out onto the ground.

"Need a new hip or something slow poke?" Noah teased through her exhausted breaths.

"Man whatever!" Q sucked his teeth. "You got lucky this time. Come May, Ima be on your ass."

"Yeah, yeah. But as of September, you owe me a bag of chips and a gatorade." Noah smiled and ran off to the water fountain.

"What? You said one snack, not two!"

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