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Friday November 3rd, 2034

October flew by for the Y/l/n family. Y/n and Normani were still recovering from their accident, but were doing much better than before. Normani was almost back to her normal self, but Y/n was still in her neck brace. Luckily for her, today was her checkup to see if she could take it off for good.

Since she couldn't drive, Normani offered to take her. She opened the door for her lover to get into the car, something Y/n definitely hadn't gotten used to.

"M'lady." Normani joked.

"Ha, very funny." Y/n snorted.

"You can't lie and say you haven't been enjoying the princess treatment."

"Well I have been enjoying it, I think I just like giving it more than receiving it. Or maybe I'm just not used to it. Thank you either way baby."

"Of course babe, that's why I'm here." Normani buckled her seatbelt after getting into the drivers seat. "Comfy over there?"

"As comfy as I can be with this dog cone they got on my neck." the two laughed at Y/n's remarks. "I'm serious, I feel like a dog that's been forced to stop licking itself."

"You are sooo dramatic, but I know it's not the most enjoyable thing to wear. Hopefully you'll be able to get it off today and get a sense of normalcy back."

"If they say I can't take it off today, I'm doing it anyway."

"Babe, no you're not." Normani said while laughing.

"Oh yes I am!"

"Babe come on, they just wanna make sure you're good! Worst case scenario, you could've injured a nerve in your spine or worse, broken your neck. A few weeks in a brace because of a sprain is annoying, but the least of your worries."

"Ugh, I guess. I hate when you're right."

"Yeah, yeah." Normani chuckled.

It didn't take long for them to arrive at the doctor's office. Y/n checked herself in and filled out her paperwork while Normani looked through some magazines. Once Y/n finished the paperwork, she gave it to the nurse behind the desk and waited to be called on.

"Noah wants to run track this winter with Quentin by the way." Normani smirked as she continued reading.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, besides the fact that he's on the team, her gym teacher says she's actually pretty fast and has a great amount of stamina. Says she could be a junior olympian if she wanted."

"That's our girl." Y/n smiled. "Having someone she knows already on the team might be good for her too. Plus we'll have some parents to hang with." Y/n picks up a magazine of her own.

"That's a good point. I like Quentin's parents too, they're nice people."

"Me too. Wait, so what's that schedule look like for us if she does it in the winter?"

"Well football season ends soon so all the kids are usually out of season in the winter as far as sports. She'd be the only one with practices during the week. But, everyone has taekwondo on Saturdays during the winter."

"Ohh right. Maybe we can switch their class to Sunday mornings instead, start eating brunch together." Y/n suggests.

"That would be... nice actually." Normani smiled.

"Then it's settled, Noah runs track in the winter, taekwondo on Sundays. I assume her meets will be on Saturdays?"

"That's what she told me, but I don't think we'll know for sure until the info session."

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