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Saturday October 21st, 2034

"Mommy, can you help me with my hair please?" Noah asked Normani. She had redone her hair at least three times tonight and she was beginning to get frustrated.

"Of course, how do you want it baby?"

"At this point, I just don't wanna look crazy. I don't even care anymore." Normani smiled softly, understanding her daughter's frustration.

"Okay I got you. Is this what you're wearing? Or are you wearing something else?"

"Why? Is this ugly? I can change!" Noah began to get up but Normani stopped her.

"Woah, woah. No, you look beautiful honey. I just wanna make sure the hairstyle matches what you have on."

"Oh... sorry."

"It's okay honey, I know you're just nervous. I was a pre-teen going on my first date once. You just want it to be perfect huh?"

"That's an understatement." the 12-year-old mumbled under her breath. "Do you think he'll mind that I'm not as girly as other girls?"

"Correct me if I'm wrong but, he's the one who asked you out right?"

"Well, yeah."

"And you dress like this everyday?"


"Then I don't think he'll mind baby girl. You're gorgeous regardless of what you wear and how you wear your hair. You're beautiful inside and out, which not everyone can say about their raggedy kids." Normani joked which made Noah laugh.

"You have to say that though, 'cause you're my mom."

"Maybe, but it's also just easy for me to say about you because it's true." Normani finished Noah's six cornrows. She pulled the length into two even buns, and brushed out Noah's baby hairs. "Did Quentin say anything about how you dress? Or maybe someone at school?"

"Umm.." Brooke and Tiana came to mind. Still not wanting to ruin Nyla's chance at having her own friends, she kept the bullying she endures to herself. "No, he hasn't. And no one at school either."

Normani caught the short pause her daughter had before she answered. Not wanting to pry, she figured she'd let it go for now and do some investigating later on with Nyla.

"Okay. Well you're all done baby girl. Stand up so I can see you." Noah complies after she applies her clear lip gloss.

Noah posed coolly, trying to seem much more in-control than she is

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Noah posed coolly, trying to seem much more in-control than she is. Normani smiled big, proud of her daughter for sticking to her own style, something she always wanted for her girls after being told what to wear and how to wear it while in Fifth Harmony.

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