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Friday, October 6th, 2034

Sebastian was exhausted from band practice today. The temperatures have been dropping, and rain surely doesn't help. After the band leaves the field, they head into the locker rooms and begin to hit the showers and change.

Once Sebastian finishes his shower, he gets dressed in his custom band track suit. The clothes were definitely his favorite part of playing for the Lexington band. Just as he was about to put his headphones on and head to his car to go to Nyx's football game, the band director calls him into his office.

"Good evening sir." Sebastian nodded as he sat down.

"Good evening Mr. Y/l/n. You're doing a great job keeping your band in line drum major. Keep up the good work." Dr. Lee commended Sebastian.

"Thank you sir. I'm glad I can make an impact and a great impression on you."

"Not just me, I have a few letters from some colleges and universities who you've made a great impression on too son." Dr.Lee pulled out the three offer letters he's received to give to Sebastian.

"Are these... scholarships?"

"Yup, from Jackson State University, Alabama State University, and the University of Southern California. They want you in their band."

"You serious?" Bash got excited. "Woah, thank you Dr.Lee. I'm honored!"

"You deserve it Sebastian. I was just advocating for your hard work and dedication. I think you can go really far with music. You have a great grasp on classical music and the mechanics of playing it, but you also have a great ear and can sound out any modern song that comes on the radio. You've helped me arrange pieces for the band, and you keep your grades up in every subject. That's something worth rewarding."

"Thank you sir. That means a lot coming from you." Sebastian paused before asking his next question. "Dr. Lee, did you play in a college marching band?"

"Yes sir, I started out my first year in Ohio State's band and then transferred to FAMU to play in the Marching 100! I loved it, and I think you will too."

"How'd you know to transfer?"

"Well, truth be told I knew I wanted more out of my program than the typical classic university marching band sound. I wanted the funk, the soul, and passion that you feel when you hear the Sonic Boom of the South play. You're that kind of student Sebastian. You can go far with a strictly classical education, but you'll learn to love your instrument more with both sides of the coin. Your culture will sustain much longer than your assimilation will." Sebastian nodded at his band director's advice.

"My dream school is JSU, I've always wanted to play in an HBCU band since I picked up a saxophone."


"But I've never been on my own before, especially that far away from home. And what if my parents need me or my sisters or brother need me? I can't help them from far away. Plus my parents and I have been so dead set on me going to USC since it's so close, I don't want to disappoint them."

"You're right, but they'll be okay without you. Everybody has to grow up and spread their wings and fly, son. Don't allow what other people want for you to run your life. You gotta be your own man someday, start now. And I'm sure they'll be proud of you regardless."

"You're right. I don't know, I still have time right? To make my final decision?" Bash asks.

"Yup! I think you'd do well by doing your research on each school, the location, the program, the majors they have. Really get to know each school before you choose, maybe even schedule a visit!"

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