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Friday, September 1st, 2034

Y/n let out a huge yawn coupled with a satisfying stretch as she sat down in her office at Parkwood's headquarters. This had been a really long week for her and her family with it being the first week of school. Everyone was tired from getting up early, extracurriculars, and getting back into having, or helping with, homework. Let's just say, Y/n was glad it was Friday.

After rubbing her eyes and settling into her seat, she opened her laptop, and began looking through some of the pictures from one of her artist's recent photoshoots. She was making sure that it was still in line with the vision they discussed.

Since being more hands on at Parkwood, Y/n has taken on a lot more responsibility than she anticipated, but she loved her job. She helped artists with their choreography, live arrangements, music video and stage sets. Anything that had to do with how an artist performs, she was helping with. It also gave her a break from constantly being in the studio.

Once she selected the photos she liked the most, she emailed them back to the artist's team and began working on something else. Almost instantly, her office phone rang prompting her to groan out of annoyance. Usually, her phone calls were fielded by her assistant Nick, so when they came directly to her phone that meant it was important. She checked the caller ID, composed herself, and switched on her polite, business voice before answering.

"Hey Asana, what can I do for you?"

"Hey Y/n. Do you have a moment?"

"Yeah, I just finished up some things. What's up?"

"Can you meet me in my office? There's something I want to talk to you about."

"Sure, I'll be up in five." Y/n hung up and took the elevator to the next floor up. When she entered Asana's office, she noticed there were a few other people she hadn't met yet. "Hello everyone!"

"Hey Y/n, thanks for coming up! I want to introduce you to Mr.Barnes and Mr.Strauss. They are on the Career Fair planning board at NYU." Asana introduced Y/n.

"Nice to meet you sir, and you too." Y/n shook both of their hands. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Well, as she said we're on the planning board for the Career Fair. This weekend we decided to add a last minute event to kick off the fair next week and host a few people to come in and talk about what it is that they do." Mr. Barnes began.

"We have people from all types of careers coming in and we'd like someone from the entertainment industry to come out and speak to our students. We think you'd be a great fit." Mr.Strauss explained.

"Wow really? I'm flattered, why me?" Y/n stood up a bit straighter.

"We've seen, and read, about everything you've been doing in the industry over the past year or so. NYU has plenty of students that are fans of yours in our music industry degree programs and we think you'd be able to provide some great insight for them." Mr. Barnes nodded in agreement.

"Woah, well thank you. I think this is something I'll be able to do for sure. When do you need me in New York?"

"Expenses are paid for so we'll have you fly out tomorrow morning around eight. There will be two conferences tomorrow night and Sunday morning."

"Tomorrow's is a bit more laid back, more like a fireside chat. Sunday will be a bit more stuffy because we've asked the students to dress in business attire and there's more events going on that afternoon like resume reviews." Mr.Barnes explains.

"Sounds good, I'm down. Thank you for the opportunity." Y/n agreed without thinking, shakes their hands again, and they say their goodbyes to Asana and Y/n.

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