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Saturday August 26th, 2034

The one thing you can always expect from Y/n is for her to work as hard as she can, to the best of her ability. Maybe it's the Capricorn in her, but she refuses to put her name on something she wouldn't be proud of. This was no different with her time as Parkwood's newest addition to the artist development team.

The only problem with working as hard as you can, to the best of your ability all the time, is that you'll likely overwork yourself on a daily basis. Working overtime at night, going in early, stopping by the office on your scheduled days off to 'finish something up'. Y/n has done and said it all.

Currently, Y/n is in her office reviewing all of her data and information on the artists she's been working with because the executive board wants to meet with her today. She has no idea what the meeting is about, so she wants to be prepared for any and all questions they may throw her way. About 30 minutes after she arrived, she was called into the meeting.

"Good morning everyone!" she greeted the board: Beyoncé, Yvette, Angie and a few others.

"Good morning Y/n, so glad you could join us on such short notice." Yvette said.

"Of course, I always have time for you guys. What's this all about?"

"We're just checking in with you. We wanted to ask some questions so we can kind of gauge how well you've been handling the development projects you've been working on all year." Beyoncé answered.

"Exactly, we just want to make sure goals are being met and we're on track with the plans we laid between the artists and the label." Angie smiled.

"Sounds good, what questions do you have?" Y/n sat up straight and spoke to the board with confidence. Every question she was asked was answered with accuracy and necessary details. From streaming numbers, chart information, updates on the various artists' were improving in their performances, interviews. If they asked, she answered without a problem.

Once they concluded their questions and taking their notes, they chatted for a few more minutes until they finally told Y/n she could go. Luckily for her, she was out much earlier than she previously thought she would be. She took this as an opportunity to finish up some more work in the office before heading home. The more work she finished now, the easier it would be for her to take off on Monday for the kids' first day of school.

Truth is, Y/n knew she was way too deep into this mess of a career she'd created for herself. It was evident with how much time away from her family and friends she'd been spending this year. Even Bey was becoming concerned. Y/n figured the pace of her new career path would eventually slow down so she could get back to a sense of normalcy. She was sadly mistaken.

Regardless, she persevered and still is. Arguing Normani is killing her inside but there's not much she sees she can do to come to a solution. She was going to provide for her family no matter what. If it meant they'd see her a little less, she figured no real harm would be done. She could always make up for lost time later down the line... right?

At the house...

Sebastian, Noah, Nyla, and Nyx were all in the kitchen helping Normani make dinner for tonight. Cooking together was one of their favorite activities to do as a family, so they decided to do it once a week. This week's menu was homemade pizzas, caesar salads, and chocolate chip cookies for dessert.

Nyx and Noah were on cookie duty. Noah has been showing her little brother how to use their stand mixer and lets him do most of the pouring and measuring.

"So two fourths of a cup, equals one half of a cup?" he asks

"Yup, since we can't find the half cup measure, we'll just do two fourths instead. Now add in the flour, then we'll add the chocolate chips!"

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