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Wednesday November 15th, 2034

It's been a little over a month since the car crash, and things have been going pretty well. In addition to healing from their minor injuries, Y/n and Normani have been going to counseling sessions weekly to address any underlying issues and resentment they've built up over this past year. They've done well prioritizing their relationship, as well as rebuilding their relationships with their kids to make their family stronger than ever.

Their final obstacle still remains: returning to work full time.

Both Normani and Y/n expressed their issues with each other regarding their jobs and have worked together to come up with some solutions. Dr.Thomas, their counselor, advised that now that they've had some time off to heal and spend time with their family, it's time to get back into work and put what they've learned to use.

Normani ultimately decided she wants to stabilize her career closer to home. Choreography and acting are her two biggest passions at the moment, but they often take her away from her family because of the frequent and extensive traveling. To combat that, she's been having her artists fly out to LA so she can be at home, but still enjoy her time with her family. She's also taken a break from auditioning from roles for a few months to give herself time to adjust.

For Y/n, she's been slowly getting back into work at Parkwood, only going to a few meetings here and there, and finishing up a few projects she put on pause after the accident. Now that she and her wife feel they're back on good terms and are more like a team, she and Beyoncé agreed she'd return to work, in her new position as Director of A&R, full time this Friday. With her new position, Bey has a surprise for Y/n and needs Normani's help with it, so they're meeting for brunch this morning to discuss the final details.

"Hi beautiful!" Bey smiles at her daughter-in-law.

"Hey BB, how are you?" the two hug and sit at their table.

"I'm well, but busy. How about yourself? How are my babies?"

"I'm good and the kids are all doing well. They can't wait for Thanksgiving break of course. How's Blue and the twins?"

"Everyone is good! I just got off the phone with Blue actually. She's coming home to visit tonight to surprise the twins. They're doing great as well, ready to graduate this year."

"Sebastian is the same way, he can't wait to get on that college campus." they both laugh. "How's everything going with Y/n's surprise?"

"It's going well, that's actually why I wanted to meet with you. You know how we were going to renovate her old office?"

"Yeah, she said she liked the view." Normani took a sip of her water.

"Right, but I think she deserves a much better, bigger space than that. After all, she is technically apart of the executive board now. She deserves an office to reflect that."

"I agree, but you know she's not giving up that office for anything."

"Well, I think she might. The office I'm moving her to overlooks the same area that old office does, the space is much larger, and it's more private. The thing is, I'm not sure how exactly she'd like it to be decorated and I don't wanna give away the surprise. I was wondering if you could help me out with that."

"Of course I can! I'd love to!" Normani said.

"Really? If you're too busy or something, believe me you don't have to."

"No, I want to! With everything going on recently, I really want to show Y/n that I support her in going back to work. She's been feeling a bit hesitant lately and I know it's because of some things I've said in the past about her working too much or neglecting us. I think she's scared to make me feel that way again. Decorating her office will show her I trust her."

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