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Monday, November 20th, 2034


Y/n looked up from her computer to look at the caller ID on her office phone. She didn't recognize the number right away, so she kept working and let it ring. Before she could resume her focus, her phone rang again, this time it was her cell phone and it was Normani calling. She paused everything immediately and answered.

"Hey baby, what's up?"

"Are you in a meeting or something? There's a bit of an emergency we need to handle." Normani sounded urgent, making Y/n sit up.

"No, I'm not in a meeting. What happened?"

"I just got off the phone with the twins' school and they're saying an incident happened with Nyla and Noah but they wouldn't tell me what. They want us up there as soon as possible."

"What the hell you mean they wouldn't tell you? Don't worry, I'm gonna shut my stuff down and I'll be on my way. I'll meet you there as soon as I can!"

They said their goodbyes and hung up promptly. Her adrenaline now pumping, Y/n shut down her computer, grabbed her suit jacket off the back of her chair, and bolted out of her office.

"Heading out early Mrs.Y/l/n?" her secretary, Justin asked.

"Yeah, I have a family emergency I have to handle. Forward all my calls to the VPs, if they can't handle the issue take a message for me. If Bey calls for me, tell her to call my cellphone."

"Noted, I hope everything's okay!"

"Me too." Y/n said and left swiftly.

Some moments later and she was walking into the front office of Essex Preparatory Academy. She spotted her wife, who was very obviously seething with anger. Before she could walk over to her, the secretary stopped her.

"Excuse me! I need you to sign in."

"Oh right, sorry." Y/n signed her name on the sheet and showed her ID. The secretary printed a visitor sticker and gave it to Y/n.

"Please make sure your visitor's sticker is visible to staff at all time. If not, you will be asked to leave or escorted off of campus grounds."

"Mhm, where are my daughters?" Y/n looked to her wife and beckoned her over to where she was standing.

"I can't say right now, we're still assessing the situation. Mr.Parker is currently in a meeting with the teacher who witnessed some of the incident and will call you into his office as soon as he's available. " the secretary sneered.

"What the hell do you mean you can't tell me where my children are?!" Normani asked, getting even more pissed as time went on.

"It's an ongoing investigation ma'am. It's our job to ensure your children are safe, please let us follow our protocols." The secretary rolled her eyes and went back to typing on her computer.

"Clearly you've failed at keeping them safe if we've been called up here. So I'll say this once, if I find out that anything happened to my daughters that I do not agree with or have not previously consented to, heads will roll." Normani spoke with a chilling voice.

Y/n took that as her cue to redirect her wife away from the secretary, no matter how infuriating she's been. If it was one thing Y/n knew about her wife, she'd go to war for her kids. And she didn't blame her, but she also didn't want to escalate the situation just yet. Soon, the headmaster, Mr.Parker, came out and invited the parents into the conference room to fill them in.

"Good afternoon ladies. I'm sorry we have to meet on such unfortunate circumstances, but thank you for making time to come out."

"Of course." Y/n answered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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