Chapter 5 ~ shock ~

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Life went on pretty much as normal for Champ, he would get up and go to work, go home and eat dinner before going to check on Kan's house and feed Andy's hedgehogs. Twice a week he would pop round to see Kans parents, Mr and Mrs T' to make sure they were ok before either popping into his local or going to see Ian.

The day's turned into week's and the calls, texts and emails from Liam slowly diminished. Champs friends and colleagues couldn't understand why he had suddenly stopped flirting with everyone, they had even asked him if he was seeing someone but of course he had replied no and that he had simply lost interest.

In truth, try as he might, he could not forget Liam and now the anger had worn off he couldn't even blame him. They had both said going in that it was just a fling, just a few days of fun so it wasn't Liam's fault that he had caught feelings for the guy. 

Champ just couldn't be bothered anymore, he couldn't be bothered talking to girls regardless of how pretty they were when the only face he could see was Liam's. He couldn't even imagine being intimate with anyone else, not now ... maybe in time he would be able to move on.

In the early days he had been so tempted to look Liam up on the internet just to see his face  or to find out what he was doing, it took a great deal of self control to not do that. Liam didn't care about him or he would have said goodbye or suggested keeping in touch but he hadn't done either.

Ian was beginning to suspect that Champ was depressed and as a nurse he knew the signs to look for but as of yet, things weren't too bad to intervene. He went to his local most evenings but he only had one pint before going home but other than that he shut himself in his house and rarely did anything else.

This in itself was concerning to Ian, Champ was the most outgoing of all of them, the life and soul of any party especially with Kan by his side. He was becoming a shadow of his former self and Ian was keeping a close watch on him.

Champ continued to get up every day and make the right noises completely oblivious to the events that were unfolding thousands of miles away in Thailand.

Kiri's lawyer had hit up a judge to get access to Liam's agent's financial records and he and his team of paralegals had uncovered enough evidence to take him down for fraud. Over the years he had lied to Liam, falsified financial documents and basically stolen not only from Liam but other artists who were on his books.

By studying his records they were also able to track down several people who were paid off by the agent to do his dirty work for him, one was identified as the mini bus driver on Koh Samui and all of them made plea deals to act as witnesses to try to avoid any repercussions themselves but it depended on their crimes.

It was with this information that the lawyer was able to extricate Liam from the contract without him having to pay any damages for breaching the contract. His agent could face serving time in prison for what he had done or it would ruin him paying fines, either way it was not Liam's problem, he was just glad to be out of it.

He was more that happy to add a generous bonus to the lawyers fee for helping him and when he offered to reimburse Kiri and Lon for all their time they had declined saying that's what friends were for and who knew, he might be able to help them one day.

He had cancelled all his jobs for the time being because now that he was finally free his main concern was getting over to the UK and clearing things up with Champ, He had been hearing via Phikhuam that Champ wasn't doing so good but Ian was keeping watch over him.

Kiri had made arrangements for all of them to fly over there on the KJ Holdings private jet because Kan and Andy wanted to be there for their friend, the only person that couldn't come right now was Phikhuam as he was still filming.

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