Chapter 19 ~ lawsuit ~

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Champ and Kan were with the lawyer for a good part of the afternoon while his secretary typed up the letters of intent to sue which were dispatched by courier that same day to be received within the hour to all the media companies who had printed any libelous claims against any or all of the eight men involved.

Included with the letters were notifications of Champ's intention to hold a press conference which was to be held at 6pm at a venue of his choosing and a local news channel was contacted and asked to cover it. 

News of the conference went viral and it quickly spread all over the internet, all Champ, Kan and Chit could do now was go back to Kiri and Kan's and wait until later.

The three young men travelled back to Kiri and Kan's taking the daimler with them for use later on and when they walked inside, Kiri was beside himself.

"Why didn't you call me Chit, what the hell has been going on?" Kiri said panicking and walking up to Kan asking him if he was ok.

"chill baby, everything is cool" Kan replied.

"you disappear for most of the afternoon and expect me to chill? baby we need to have a serious talk" Kiri said.

"ok, alright, I know where your serious talks always end up so let's just give Champ the floor right now, he needs to talk to the guys" Kan said.

Everyone gathered in the lounge and Champ took a deep breath before beginning, his eyes landing on Andy, Ian and then on Liam before finally settling on Kan who nodded giving him support.

"ok so ... shit" he began.

"just say it Champ" Ian said.

"the thing is, look Ian you probably don't know because you've only been part of the group for a couple of years but Andy, you know I grew up in Willow's Brook with a ... my grandmother Iris Slater and you know she passed away a few years ago,

when she was younger she worked as an accountant and while she was there she made a lot of contacts, she was a very sharp, astute woman and she purchased stocks and shares,

she would get tips from her contacts before buying or selling and this continued right up until she passed away, 

she pretty much made her fortune that way and I was the beneficiary, I had no idea until she passed away just how vast her fortune was.

I knew she collected old classic cars because I worked on them for her but other than that I knew nothing, you've all seen the house where we lived, honestly Andy I had no idea"

"so why didn't you tell us when you found out" Andy asked.

"I told Kan but I was kind of reluctant to tell you, I know how you feel about people with money" Champ replied.

"he's right babe, remember how you were with me when we first met" Lon added speaking to Andy.

"so how big of a fortune are we talking then?" Andy said.

"well I am a silent majority shareholder in many companies and corporations worldwide, a sleeping partner if you like" Champ replied.

"what does that mean?" Andy asked.

"it means he has controlling interest in the companies and corporations but because he's a silent or sleeping partner, someone else runs the business" Kiri stated.

"I still don't get it" Andy said.

"I don't own the companies but I have the most shout and make more money than the other shareholders" Champ said.

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