Chapter 8 ~ road trip ~

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Liam yawned as he stood by the large wooden gates in front of Kiri and Kans house. It was 5.20am on Monday morning in a rural english village and Liam couldn't get over how quiet it was. A lone figure walked up the path with a dog and as he approached Liam he looked up and nodded,

"mornin' it's a bit nippy in't it?"

Liam smiled and said good morning but he didn't understand what the guy meant, what was nippy? The guy passed by him and continued up the path and Liam watched as he disappeared up a side road.

Looking at his watch he saw it was almost half past five, he hoped Champ wouldn't be too long, he had dressed in jeans, a black tee shirt and a thick sweater and he wore a pair of boots that Kan had loaned him because he had only packed canvas slip ons.

Looking at his watch again he saw it was 5.34am,  Champ was late but no sooner had the thought crossed his mind when he heard the deep growl of an engine getting closer. The rig approached Liam and he had to walk around to the passenger side before Champ pushed the door open from the inside,

A gust of warm air rushed out and hit Liam as he tried to navigate the steps, no wonder Champ was so fit, it was like mountaineering getting up into this thing. Once inside he pulled the heavy door shut and looked at Champ.

"good morning Champ" he smiled.

"morning mate, I wasn't sure if you'd be here, I wondered if you might have had second thoughts" Champ said.

"on the contrary, I have been looking forward to it" Liam smiled again and Champ's stomach flip flopped.

"right, let's get going" Champ said as he released the handbrake and propelled the massive rig forward. 

"it's so big up close" Liam commented.

"yeah, they all say that" Champ replied laughing until Liam realised what he was getting at.

Liam couldn't help blushing, grateful that in the dim confines of the cab, Champ might not be able to see. Once out of the village, Champ pressed down on the accelerator and increased the speed, the engine growling louder.

Liam watched Champ control the powerful beast, he looked so fucking sexy right now. Every time he moved his feet on the foot pedals the fabric of his jeans stretched taut across his muscular thighs and every time he changed gears or turned the large steering wheel the muscles of his forearms flexed and relaxed, it had been so long since their last time and Liam wanted him so bad.

"there's a flask of coffee behind your seat if you want a drink" Champ said.

"I'm good, thank you" Liam replied but he was grateful that Champ had thought of him.

They drove on until Champ approached a roundabout and steered the rig down a slip road onto the motorway. He handled the large vehicle with confidence and when they reached the bottom of the slip road he eased into the fast moving traffic giving a quick blast on his air horn to thank the truck driver who had flashed to allow him access.

Liam thought he was so cool as he expertly weaved across the lanes until he got onto the one he wanted to then cruise at a steady speed.

"How long are you here for then?" Champ asked Liam as he kept his eyes on the road.

"as long as it takes" Liam replied.

"sorry, I'm not following"

"as long as it takes to get us back on track baby" Liam clarified.

"what about your work?" Champ asked ignoring Liam's previous comment.

"I don't have anything right now, I'm not even sure I want to continue doing the kind of work I've been doing, it's not exactly living when you have to sneak about continuously and stay indoors a lot of the time, you have no freedom and everyone thinks they own a piece of you" Liam sighed leaning his head back. 

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