When there was drama and tears (part 2)

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We took John's car and drove to Espresso House. I got out of the car and looked up at the shop. Two car doors opened and slammed close again behind me. Jason and John looked at each other and then at me.
-" She's pretty sad. I don't think she would be in a crowd when she's showing feelings Sara" John said.
-" she's not in the shop guys. Come on" I said and walked around the coffee shop that smelled so good. I was feeling for a smoothie, but I guess that have to wait. Jason and John walk behind me. When we got at the back side of Espresso House, I found Betty sitting on a rock, looking out at the forest that was around the way to the mountains top. John took a step to Betty but I stopped him. I hold up my hand as a "wait here" sign and then slowly walked to Betty. When I got closer I saw tears on her cheeks. I put my hands in my pockets and looked up at the forest.
-" I was looking for you" I said. That made Betty jump and look up at me.
-" Sara..." Betty said and wiped her face with her hands quickly. I sat down beside her and took her hands, stoping her from rubbing her face. I smiled to her and she fell a tear. Betty pouched her eyes together, stoping her tears.
-" It's okay.. You can let it out" I said. And a second later Betty fell in my arms, crying. She put her hands around my waist as I wrapped my arms around her. Betty was a strong person. And i never thought she would be so unhappy. Seeing Betty cry was heartbreaking. It felt so bad. That I didn't notice anything. But know that I think after, I noticed some small things. I hate seeing her like thins, but I have to be her for her and control my emotions... even if I can't even control my mind. But I pouched my tears back and tried to be strong. For Betty. I let go of Betty and took her face in my hands.
-" Betty you are beautiful. You know that you are. You of all people knows that no one's perfect." I said with tears in my eyes. I really hope she won't notice them.
-" I can't Sara. I'm trying to be strong but it's killing me from inside. I'm.... I'm not good enough.." Betty said.
-" are you kidding me?!" We both jumped and looked up, at John who just said that. "Not good enough? You must be kidding. You are skinny and all. And why is looks so important to you? You think that's what people care about? They don't! So stop thinking that!" John said and looked mad. I've seen John mad before. But only at someone who did something wrong with his thing. But I've never seen him mad at the person he was caring about. And that he cares about Betty. I'm surprised. But John shouldn't be mad at Betty right now.
-" John! Calm down" I said. John looked at me and after a while he calmed.
-" Sara tell Betty she's doing a stupid thing!" Jason said.
-" Not now Jason... Can you guys leave us alone for a minute? I'll call you later okay?" I said. Jason looked at me and then at Betty before he turned around and was about to go but stopped and looked at John, who was starting at Betty.
-" don't you get it? If something happens to you, you kill something in us all!" John said before he turned around and went home with Jason. Betty stared surprised at the way John and Jason went, even if they were already gone.
-" They're mad at me. It's my fault... I told you! They hate me!" Betty said.
-" No, no it's not you're fault and they don't hate you. They're just worried" I said.
-" worried? Like they... care?" Betty said. I was afraid of asking what I was going to ask.
-" Betty... Don't tell me you did this for attention.." I said, scared. Betty stared at me for a minute and then shacked her head.
-" I do it because... because I want to be skinny like all the models." Betty said, looking down at her hands.
-" Betty. Do you know how bad that is? How unhealthy and dangerous that is? You could end up in the hospital." I said.
-" Are you.... Are you mad at me like John and Jason." Betty said, now looking up at me.
-" I am a little mad. But mostly worried." I said.
-" I'm sorry. I just want to be perfect like everyone else." Betty said.
-" I'm not perfect. Look how fat I am. But does that make you not want to hangout with me?" I said.
-" No.." Betty said.
-" Look, you can't make up something and think that that will work. If you want to be skinny, you should want it for you're health. And you don't even need it. You are so beautiful now. And if you don't eat, you'll only get worse. When you don't eat, you're belly will get blown and you'll end up in the hospital. You are my best friend and I won't let you do anything you will regret later. What am I supposed to do without you?" I said and took Betty's hands.
-" move on..." Betty said.
-" I can never do that. My life was a mess before you. And I'm glad that you're here know, but I'm not ready to let go. Not now, not ever. I believe in friendship forever" I said. She smiled and then gave me a hug.
-" Thank you Sara. I'll try my best, I promise." Betty said and let go of me.
-" and I'll be by your side." I said. We looked at each other with huge smiles on our faces for a while.
-" So..." Betty said after a while, grinning. "Do you want to go get some smoothie?"
-" YES!!" I said and we got up and walked around the shop. We walked into Espresso House and order the usual.

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