When another drama started

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-" are you sure?" mom asked me from the kitchen. I put on my jacket and sighted.
-" I'm sure mom. I can't stay home forever. I have to go to school" I called out from the hall.
-" okay sweetie. Have a great day" mom said when I opened the front door.
-" you to mom. Love you" I said and closed the door after me. I jumped on the stone way as I mumbled Smile by R5 too myself. Today felt like a good day. I laughed at my silliness when I got to the end of the stone way. I glanced up to HIM.
-" your weird" HE said.
-" well then your don't feel alone" I said with a grin. HE shock his head and messed up my hair. "Idiot" I said when HE started to walk to the buss stop. I ran after HIM.
-" So how is things with Liam?" HE asked. I glanced confusing at HIM.
-" good... Why?" I asked. HE struggled.
-" Nothing. I was just wondering. He seems like a nice guy. He really helped us out with Betty." HE said. I smiled down at my shoes.
-" He is" I said. HE struck away my hair from my face and looked at me.
-" oooo, someone is blushing" HE said. I elbowed HIM and then laughed.
-" shut up" I said. HE laughed as we finally arrived at the buss stop. And in the perfect timing. The buss stopped right in front of us and a old man opened up the buss doors with a smile. Me and HIM paid with our buss cards and then went to the back of the buss and sat on a empty seat as the buss drove...

At school:
I took out my books from my locker and then closed my locker. I turned around and saw Betty running towards me. She jumped into my arms and hugged me with a smile.
-" Happy to see me?" I asked and laughed.
-" Yes! Of course. And I found a witness from my village!" Betty said in joy. We took each other's hands and jumped up and down.
-" omg!! You did it!" I said.
-" No. We did it!" Betty said and I hugged her. "Thank you" Betty said. I smiled against her shoulder. Suddenly we felt someone wrapping they're arms around us. Betty and me looked up and we saw that it was Jason. And HE stood beside Jason.
-" we did. Omg. Hihihi" Jason said in a girly voice. HE slapped Jason on the back of his head. Jason let go of us and rubbed his neck. "I'm kidding. Of course I'm happy" Jason said and smiled. I smiled and rolled my eyes. "Group hug?" Jason asked. Betty giggled and wrapped her arms around us all. She was smiling and laughing.
-" Can't... breath" HE said, but Betty was too happy to hear HIM. I laughed along Betty. Suddenly Betty let go of us.
-" We're going to be late!" Betty said. "See you at lunch" Betty said and ran of to her class.
-" See you" HE said and ran to his class. Jason put his arm around my neck and we started to walk to our class.
-" So it's over? All our hanging out after school it over?" Jason asked.
-" of course not. We'll still meet after school" I said. When I saw Rachel and her gang standing by her locker and laughing I started to walk fast. Jason didn't make it along. Right when I thought I was past Rachel pushed me against a locker. Two of Rachel's girls held me against the lockers and Rachel laughed.
-" Haven't seen you in a while. Where you avoiding me?" Rachel said with a grin.
-" Ha, Your the one avoiding me" I said in defense.
-" Shut up you rat. Your just a little rat that is scared. Because you can't do anything." Rachel said and stood so close to me that our foreheads almost touched.
-" Me? Stop referring to yourself." I said. Rachel stopped grinning and hit my waist side with her fist. I rolled together as Jason ran up to us and pushed away the girls from me. He pushed Rachel against a locker and jelled at her. Then he helped me up and we walked down the hallway to the closest toilet. Jason opened the door to the girls bathroom.
-" Everyone put your clothes back on. I'm coming in" Jason shoutout and walked in. Some of the girls screamed and ran out and some just looked at him and then went out. Jason helped me sit on a closed toilet seat.
-" you okay?" Jason asked. I nodded.
-" What took you so long jerk?" I asked. Jason laughed.
-" You ran away from me. I didn't know what would happen" Jason said. He got up and soaked a rolled up piece of paper and handed it to me. I didn't need it, but still I took it and chilled down my blue colored bruise on my waist. When nothing happened I threw the paper in the trashcan.
-" Better?" Jason asked. I smiled and nodded while rubbed my side. Jason looked concerned at me. I just shock it of and got up.
-" I'm fine. She punches like a girl." I said. Jason frowned. "Let's go to class now" I said. He opened the bathroom door for me. As we walked to our classroom I smiled, but rubbed my waist behind my books...

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