When I designed and then cried (part 1)

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It felt like my fingers were about to come of my hands as I press the buttons on the controller. I glanced at Jace fast and then back at the tv screen. Jace was better at this game then I am, but I won't give up.
-" give up. You can't defeat me." Jace said. On the screen, Batman jumped up in the air and kicked Wonder Woman in the face. "Yes!" Jace said.
-" come on guuurl!" I said to the tv screen. I pressed the vapor button and Wonder Woman swinged her rope and then hit Batman. Batman fell down on the ground and I pressed all the button together, Wonder Women has her chance now. She hit Batman with her rope and he was finished. I jumped up from the couch and screamed.
-" YEEEEES!!! I DID IT!! I WON!!" I said and jumped up and down on the couch. "In your face Batman!" I said to Jace and he just rolled his eyes.
-" I was just being nice you know" Jace said.
-" right! You wanna go again and see who's nice?" I said and sat down on the couch again. Jace was about to say something but just then my phone rang. It stood John on the screen so I picked it up.
-" hello? John?" I said.
~" Hey sara. You need to come over. Molly's here and she's asking for drugs." John said quietly.
-" Okay. I'm coming." I said and hanged up. I ran out into the hall and put my shoes on.
-"what's going on?" HE said when he came out from the kitchen with popcorn in his hand.
-" I need to go and help out a friend. I'll text you later." I said and opened the door. "By the way. You owe me 5 bucks. Your brother lost" I said and grinned before I ran out from HE's house.
[on my way over to you. Don't sell drugs to her!] :I texted John.
[but hurry then. She's really hard to stop] :John.

At John's place:
John opened the door and I ran into the house.
-" Where's Molly?" I said and looked around.
-" in the meeting room" John said and pointed to the door to the left. John's office is the door to the right. And then there is those really dangerous stairs right in front of me. I ran into the meeting room and found Molly sitting in the chair. When she saw me she got up from the chair. I heard John closing the door after me, so it was only me and Molly.
-" Molly. What are you doing?" I said.
-" I'm sorry. I can't stop. It's hard." Molly said.
-" I didn't say it was easy. I said it was worth it. You have to keep trying. And you know you can ask me for help"
-" I'm just tiered. Of everything. When I'm not on drugs I think about him. At list when I'm stoned I can have fun and people can't see throw me" Molly said and looked down on her shoes. I walked closer to her and took her hands.
-" I saw it. I always did." I said and paused. "You're ex boyfriend was an idiot, you deserve more than him. That jerk left you because you were not trying enough, but you were doing you're best. If he can't love you for you, he doesn't deserve you" I said. Molly looked up at me and I saw tears falling down her cheeks.
-" It's painful. Love is so powerful. And when you lose you're powers, you are week." Molly said.
-" But you didn't lose you're powers. You're just giving them a break after a really stupid break up. When you'll find the right guy you'll be sharing the power of love. Together." I said. Deep things, I know. Molly nodded and wiped her tears away.
-" then... I need you're help" Molly said. I smiled and we started to hug. Still I wasn't surprised. No one ever needed anything else from me then help. I smiled at Molly.
-" Okay. Now tell me everything" I said...

10 minutes later:
The door opened and we both turned and saw John. He looked confused.
-" is everything okay?" John said. I laughed and Molly nodded to John's question. I smiled to Molly and we went out of the meeting room with John.
-" I have never been here. Have you?" Molly asked me.
-" Are you kidding? She was always here" John said.
-" Me, John and Jason were friends every sense we were 5. And Naomi, my friend from kindergarten were hanging out with us some times before she moved to France." I said. Molly looked surprised at me.
-" You guys were friends? But you said you hated John" Molly said. Now John looked surprised at me.
-" Well, he and Jason had changed and we drifted apart. They said they love me, but I knew they were lying" I said.
-" I didn't love you, I liked you. So don't worry" John said.
-" So now you're friends again?" Molly asked. John nodded.
-" Molly, my advice for you now is to do things that will get you're mind of him. Go shop. But take a break from parties and drinks. Completely. If you say you'll drink a little, you'll start drink more and more. Stop completely. Okay?" I said.
-" I promise I'll try. Thanks Sara. You are the best." Molly said. Then she looked at the clock on the hall wall. "I have to go somewhere. I'll see you guys late." Molly said and hugged me before she ran out of the house. I turned to John, who had his hand out.
-" What?" I asked confused.
-" She didn't pay, so you pay" John said. I rolled my eyes but still took out 3 bucks and gave it to John.
-" John you have to do something about you're house. It's disgusting. And boring" I said. I looked around. It really was. On the second floor was 6 empty bedrooms. There's no kitchen and the living room is and empty room with just one couch.
-" Yeah. I saved money for it but I don't know what I should do. Designing is not my thing." John said. After a long pause John turned to me with a smile on his face.
-" what...?" I asked.
-" I know you like designing. So how about you do it. Me and the others will help, but you decide" John said. I feel like crying out of happiness.
-" OMG! Really?! That would mean so much!" I said and jumped into John's arms for a hug. John hugged me back and laughed. I let go of him and looked around. Designing is my thing. I just love to do it. "Okay, we can have the couch here, and and a fire drill here. And we can have a tv by the window..." I said and continued. But after a while I stopped and realized I'm taking to myself. I turned to John who was leaning against the old dirty couch, just smiling at me.
"What?" I said and couldn't stop myself from smiling back.
-" Nothing. I'm just happy you're happy" John said. I smiled and rolled my eyes.
-" I'm going to need help" I said. John took out his phone from his pocket and started to text. After a while he looked up at me and smiled.
-" All fixed. Let's go and shop some furnitures until help comes" John said and shacked his car keys in front of my face. I smiled and took the keys from his hand and we went out to the car...

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