When it was before the party (part 1)

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-" Okay, so learn the words for Monday cause you're going to have a test on it. Have a great weekend" Olivia said and ignored the fact that nobody listened and that they were already on they're way out of the class room. Jason got up and just threw his book in his back pack while I was still writing. By the time I was done the classroom was empty, except for me, Jason, Hannah and Monica. Jason packed his stuff while glancing at Hannah. I grinned at him and he started to avoid Hannah. I took my backpack and walked between the desks, to Olivia's table where I handed her my assignment. Monica was waiting on Hannah by the door. Hannah grabbed her books in hurry and ran down the aisle when she tripped over her shoes and fell and her books flew everywhere. Both me and Monica turned to her and where about to help her, when Jason leaned down on his knee and reached his hand to Hannah. She looked up at him and Jason smiled. Hannah kept looking until Monica pretended to clear her throat. Hannah glanced at Monica before she took Jason's hand and got up. Me and Monica kneeled down and gathered Hannah's books from the floor. Jason took the books from us and handed them to Hannah with a wink. Hannah's cheeks turned red.
-" T-thanks" Hannah said and ran out with Monica after her. I bite my tongue so I wouldn't start laughing. But I couldn't hold back the grin. Jason turned to me and drop his smile when he saw my face expression.
-" don't" Jason said and walked pas me.
-" Come on!" I said and laughed and ran after him...

Outside my house:
I closed the front door after me and ran down the porch to Jason's car. I opened the car door and sat in the back seat next to HIM. John and Jason turned and looked at me form the front seats.
-" Wow. You look..." HE said and tried to say something but couldn't. Everyone were staring at my blue dress that went down over my knees, and that had long arms that were translucent fabric. "...beautiful" HE finally said. I smiled and blushed a little.
-" so how long is it going to take for you girls to get ready?" Jason asked as the car started.
-" I think 20 minutes each hair and 20 minutes makeup. Because I have to fix her hair and then she will fix my hair." I said.
-" What? That's going to take forever." Jason nagged.
-" If you guys stress us, it will take longer." I said. Jason shut his mouth and looked at the road.
-" So we're going to meet Betty's family" HE said. I nodded in excitement.
-" But guys, we should play cool. And try to impress. And don't say anything stupid" John said. I lifted my eyebrows in surprise and turned to HIM who looked like me.
-" What did you say?" HE asked. John froze.
-" I mean, you know. For Betty. It lookes like her parents is a little strict. We don't want them to tell her not to go. Because then I have waisted my time waiting on her" John said. I rolled my eyes.
-" Yeah. Sure" Jason said.
-" Hey, where's Jace?" I asked HIM.
-" He went earlier. He's DJ, remember?" HE said.
-" Oh year, right." I said.
After a while Jason stopped the car outside of Betty's house. We all went out of the car and walked up to the door. I knocked and a minute later Betty opened.
-" Hi hi. Come in. Let's go up!" Betty said and dragged us in and made us hurry with our shoes. Betty looked around the house.
-" You okay?" I asked. I glanced at John who was grinning.
-" Yeah of course." Betty said. Then she dragged us to the stairs in panic.
-" Betty?!" I heard someone call from the living room. It was a man. He came into the hall and froze when he saw us there. I could her Betty breathing heavy and get closer to me.
-" Hi Mr. Adams. We're Betty's friends. I'm Sara" I said and reached my hand to who I guess is Betty's dad. He looked at me confused. After a while I slowly put down my hand.
-" Betty what are they doing here?" Mr. Adams said.
-" They're helping me get ready for the party. You know the one I told you about." Betty said. She was talking quickly. Not even I'm this scared of Bill.
-" what party? Does your mom know" Mr. Adams said.
-" yeah. I told you guys yesterday." Betty said. Betty's dad looked at her.
-" Dina!" Mr. Adams called. A women who I guess is Betty's mom came into the hall from the kitchen. "Did you know she's going to a party?" Mr. Adams said.
-" yeah she told us yesterday" Betty's mom said.
-" You guys can go up. I'll be right there" Betty said and pushed us up. I sat at the top of the stairs and listened. John sat next to me. HIM and Jason was standing over us.
-" Why did you let her go? She didn't do her coerces today." Mr. Adams said.
-" you didn't? Did you do your training?" Dina said.
-" I was tired.." Betty mumbled.
-" Do you want to get fat? And look like a cow?" Mr. Adams said. I felt my blood boil. I turned to John and saw his hands turning into fists. I put a hand on his shoulder and shock my head.
-" You know we worry about your health." Dina said. They were talking quietly, but we could still hear them.
-" Look at your sister. She's so small" Mr. Adams said.
-" We're not the same person..." Betty mumbled, almost unheard.
-" You r from the same family." Mr. Adams said.
-" We just want the best for you honey" Dina said. "You don't know how much problem you'll get when your older and fat. It's going to make a lot of problems for you." John shock his head a couple times.
-" That's it" John said and slammed his fist into the wall before he ran down the stairs.
-" John!" I screamed after him. Jason ran after John and then me and HIM ran after them. John held his hands in fists tightly.
-" What the fuck is your problem?! What are you talking about?! She's your dotter! She has feeling! She's not a robot" John said and went closer to Betty's parent then Betty already were. Betty looked confused and surprised at John. I wrapped my arms around Betty's shoulders. She was shaking.
-" We just don't want her to get fat and sick" Mr. Adams said.
-" We want to be proud of her" Diana said.
-" How are we supposed to be proud of her when people are talking behind her back. How is she supposed to find a husband?" Mr. Adams said.
-" Talking behind her ba-! I can't believe you! Do you care about what people say more than you care about how your dotter feels?!" John said and pointed at Betty. I could almost see smoke coming out of his ears. I gave Jason a look and that made him wrap his arms around Betty when I let go. I tried to put my hand on John's shoulder but he moved it away. HE got closer to me and John and looked angrily at Betty's parents.
-" You don't come in to my house telling me what to do! I make the right decision, that's why I'm a great father" Mr. Adams said and pointed with his finger at John. Suddenly Betty threw up her arms in the air so Jason let go of her. Betty didn't look scared anymore. She looked angry.
-" A great father?! You were everything but a great father! In fact, I'm even ashamed to have ever called you my father!" Betty said and pointed back at her dad. "I am so sick of this! This is my life! I make my own decisions. You can't tell me what to do!" Betty said. Betty looked at her parents for a long time, and they looked chocked back at her. I turned to her and put my hand on her shoulder. Betty's shoulders sank. "Actually, I'm moving out. I can't stay here. I can't. I'm old enough to live on my own. And there is nothing you can do to make me change my mind." Betty said. She threw with her hair and smiled back at me and the others. Betty nodded at the door and went out in the hall and put her shoes on and went out the door before anyone could stop her. John grinned at Betty's parents and then ran out after Betty. I looked chocked at HIM and Jason before we ran out too. John was by the car, talking to Betty. They were screaming at each other, of course. But how can they fight after what just happened. I got closer to them and heard their conversation.
-" all?! You almost made my parent want to kill me! Do you know what you almost got me into?!" Betty screamed at John. John rolled his eyes.
-" I fucking saved you! Is that a thanks?!" John screamed back.
-" Well next time," Betty said and opened the back door "think of the consequences." Betty continued and went in the car. I sighted at them. John sighted after Betty closed the car door. I leaned my head at the side and put a hand on John's arm.
-" You okay?" I asked. John looked down and pushed his lips together. "You did a great job there" I said. John looked up at me with a, almost, smile. I wrapped my arms around Johns waist. John sighted and hugged me back. HE came from the other side and joined the hug. Jason did the same thing.
-" Why do I always feel uncomfortable when Jason's with us in the group hug?" HE asked.
-" because you feel like one of Jason's sluts." I said. Jason immediately let go and held up his hand. After a while we let go to and got in the car. I sat in the back seat between Betty and HIM. When we all were in the car, I saw that Betty was crying.
-" Betty?..." I said. Betty looked at me with wet cheeks. I hugged her tightly.
-" what did I do?" Betty said.
-" The right thing. No one should ever be treated like that" HE said and put a hand on Betty's arm.
-" I don't know if I'm ready" Betty said.
-" Betty you are ready" Jason said.
-" and we will always be here for you. We won't let anything happen to you" I said. Betty smiled.
-" Thank you guys. What would I do without you guys" Betty said and re-bursted into tears. I felt my eyes watering. I pushed my lips together and looked away.
-" Don't say that" I said as a tear fell down my cheek. Betty still cried. I turned to HIM who whipped away a tear. I looked at John and Jason and they both looked away with sadness.
-" I love you guys" Betty said. I smiled and turned back at HIM. HE smiled and whipped my cheek. I turned to Betty and lifted her face.
-" We will always be here for you" I said and whipped her tears. Betty gave me a proper hug.
-" So guys... What happens now?" Jason asked. Betty let go of me and smiled big.
-" It's time for PARTY!!" Betty screamed.
-" What? After what just happened?" HE asked.
-" I really need to go and have fun after what just happened!" Betty said.
-" Well, we can go over to my place and get ready. No ones home" I said and Betty nodded. Jason started the car.
-" Okay, but you have to hurry" Jason said. I glanced at John who was looking out the window, drowning in his own thoughts. I know that feeling. Not fun...

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