When we found a solution

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I opened my eyes and looked around. Flashbacks from last night came back in my head. I looked too my side and saw that Liam wasn't there. I sat up on my bed and heard mom talking to my teacher and calling us sick. Probably so we can rest after last night. I got up and went to wash my face before I went down stairs. When I walked into the kitchen Liam was standing by the stove, making breakfast.
-" morning beautiful." Liam said and put two plates with toast and egg and vegetables on the dinning table. I sat down on the chair in front of Liam.
-" you made this?" I asked and looked shocked at the plates.
-" yeah. It's what I do when I'm home alone. Witch is often." Liam said. I took a bit from the toast and it tasted so good.
-" this is so good!" I said. Liam smiled. "Where is everyone else?" I asked.
-" they're all asleep." Liam said.
-" okay, they need to rest anyways so." I said and couldn't take my eyes away from my plate. "I'm sorry, but I just can't get over this breakfast" I said.
-" is it that good?" Liam asked. I nodded my head in excitement as I took another bite. "Well we've got all day, so take your time" Liam said and laughed. Right when I was about to tast the egg the door rang. "I'll get it" Liam said and got up. He went out too the hall and as I put a fork with egg in my mouth Betty came into the kitchen and hugged me hard. I just let her hug me in shock as my fork was hanging in my mouth.
-" oh honey. How are you? I was so worried. When we got the news about yesterday I freaked out" Betty said. I gave a warning look too HIM who just came into the kitchen. HE mumbled sorry. I took out the fork from my mouth and got up to give Betty a proper hug.
-" hi guys. Don't worry. I'm okay" I said. As I let go off Betty, John hugged me. I turned too Liam and mumbled what is going on, and Liam just laughed. And when John let go of me Jason hugged me. "Seriously, I'm okay" I said again. Jason let go of me and Jace hugged me. I rolled my eyes and HE laughed. Liam and HIM were holding they're laughs as Jace let go of me.
-" are you hurt?" John asked.
-" I'm okay John" I said. John pushed back my hair and looked at my purple left cheek. "It doesn't hurt." I said. John smiled but still looked worried.
-" well, you came in perfect time for breakfast" Liam said.
-" we've already eat" Betty said with a smile too Liam.
-" well I haven't so-" I said but got interrupted by Jason.
-" that jerk. I will kill Bill!" Jason said.
-" that rimes" I said.
-" He should get more punishment then just going to jail!" John said.
-" does loneliness sound good?" I said in a sarcastic way.
-" and you should get everything that belonged to him." Betty said.
-" how about freedom?" I said. 
-" Sara, why are you so okay with this?" Jace asked.
-" I'm not. I'm just not really surprised. I knew this would happen. Besides, he's in jail. He can't hurt us" I said.
-" guys I think we should go talk somewhere else" Liam said and nodded towards my moms bedroom.
-" to my house?" John asked. Betty rolled her eyes.
-" it's like I'm a prisoner. Give me a break." Betty said.
-" I know where we can go" Jason said and grinned at me...

The cars stopped and we all got out. Liam checked his car so there wasn't any marks on it. I looked around in the open forest. The sun was hiding behind the big tree in the middle.
-" there it is" I said and pointed at the tree. Everyone turned towards it. "And there's the tree house." I said and pointed up on the top of the big tree.
-" ahhhh flashbacks!" John joked and massaged his head. I laughed and started to walk to the tree. I looked up at the tree house. Jason started to go up the stairs and Betty went after him. I turned too Liam and nodded at the tree. Liam took my hand and went after me up the stairs. John, Jace and HIM came after us. I slipped on one step but Liam quickly grabbed me by my waist and laughed. I couldn't help but laugh along. We all got up too the tree house and started too look around. Betty went to the so called balcony and took a deep breath.
-" freedom" Betty breathed out.
-" if you want you can stay with your parents" John teased. Betty bumped John's arm.
-" I'm kidding. Thank you house master" Betty said and bent forward and I giggled.
-" so this is where you guys used to hang out?" Jace asked.
-" yeah. And Naomi" I said.
-" Naomi too? Did you already meet then?" Jace asked.
-" of course. We met Naomi before we met John." Jason said.
-" yeah. First it was me and Naomi. Then Jason came along. And then John. But John was a little late" I said.
-" the three musketeers," HE said. "and the adopted one" HE turned to John. We all started too laugh, except for John.
-" ha God you are so funny. How can anyone be so funny. Oh wait, your not" John said in a sarcastic way.
-" Now I see you two as siblings." Liam said, pointing at the sarcasm we both make. I turned too John and we both rolled our eyes.
-" and that" Betty said. I smiled and sat down on the edge of the balcony. The others sat down next to me.
-" do you guys feel like changing is the worst thing ever?" Jason asked.
-" if nothing would have changed, I wouldn't be here." John said.
-" and we would probably still live with our parent and not be with you guys" HE said.
-" yeah true. But what about faith?" Betty asked.
-" is faith brought us together it could do it without all the changing" Jason said.
-" then what would be the point? Everyone here has some kind of issue or problem that made us have the need of company. If nothing changed we wouldn't need each other" I said.
-" but... don't you think something's shouldn't change" Jason asked. I sighted.
-" something will still change. What if John was adopted by your dad instead? You think my dad wouldn't still leave. Or wouldn't your dad still hit you? Or if Liam's parents weren't so rich, would Liam still be ignored?" I said.
-" or Betty's parent? I actually don't think they were like that before. They just changed into that" Jace said.
-" no my parent were always like that. For example when my sister got killed" Betty said. Everyone slowly turned to Betty. My mouth was frozen open. "Oh I didn't tell you?" Betty asked.
-" eh yeah you did, that's why we look like this" I said and Betty rolled her eyes at my sarcastic comment.
-" I had a older sister, older than Steph. I can't remember her name. In the village I was born, you were only allowed too have three children, so when my parents gave birth to Chris they had too give away one of us. Because Chris was a boy, and they always wanted that, they gave away one of us, and because I was the youngest they decided to give away me. And by give away I mean to the village leaders too kill me. They some how thought killing was a solution. The day the leaders of the village we lived in, came to take me away my sister volunteered. They took her away from me with violence and Steph was crying her eyes out. We where really close, especially Steph and her. I was only a little girl, but I can never forget that day. After that we moved here. And we never spoke about my older sister again. Until now of course" Betty said. My eyes were filled with tears. Betty has been through so much bullshit. No one deserves that. Suddenly John got up.
-" wait, so you came from a place where they murder people?" John asked. Betty nodded. "And your parents gave away their daughter because they wanted a boy?" John asked and Betty nodded again. "And-"
-" just come to the point" Jason said.
-" there we have it! There is the evidence! We have to go back home and call Naomi." John said and hurried us up and down the stairs towards the cars.
-" John calm down" I said.
-" am I the only one who doesn't get what John is talking about?" Jason asked.
-" your not alone, buddy. Your not alone" HE said and got into a car.
-" what is going on?" Liam asked. A smile spread on my face.
-" I think John found a way to help Betty" ...

At John's house:
-" Yeah, they had to give her away" John said to Naomi in the phone.
-" I know you don't want to talk about her, but I need to know what her name was" Betty said to Stephanie in her phone.
-" A village in Turkey that only allows three kids. No not in China" Jace said to Steve in the phone.
-" I can't find anything" Jason said to HIM while they were looking in the laptop. I looked from one person to another. My brain was messed up and I was getting dizzy. Liam came into the living room after a conversation on the phone.
-" okay. So there was a little village close to Mardin where they allowed death punishment. it was so small and out in no where that no one really went to check it out. And the cops never got involved in anything. They had weird rules. If a wife ran away from home they had to kill her. Unless she's pregnant. Then they had to wait for the baby to get born. And each family where only allowed three kids. And a lot of other rules that doesn't make sense." Liam said.
-" that's it! It's where I used to live!" Betty screamed exited for some reason.
-" what did you say the village was called?" HE asked and started to search.
-" I don't know. Only that it was close to Mardin." Liam said and sat down next to me. John leaned over too see what HE was searching for.
-" we got it Steve. Thanks" Jace said and hanged up. Betty was looking at the laptop screen when Stephanie jelled in the phone.
~" I found it!" Stephanie screamed. Betty put the phone against her ear. Then she froze. Betty was just starting at the wall.
-" Betty? What is it?" I asked. She smiled as a tear fell down her cheek.
-" It's Brianna," Betty said. "Her name was Brianna." I crawled over to her and hugged her. Jace smiled big.
-" Brianna. It means strong" Jace said. Betty started to cry, but with a smile on her lips. We all sat quite for a while.
-" Yeah Naomi, we're here." John said to the phone. "What? you did?" I looked up at John. "So we have it? How will we do that? And then we got it? YES!" John jumped up on the couch. "Thank you so much Naomi. Bye" John said and hanged up the phone. "If we can get Stephanie to be a witness and then find someone who used to live in your village then we might have some prof that you parents are sick and that they kidnapped you. And the cops have to believe us then. Then they're going to try the lying detector on your parents" John said in excitement.
-" great idea. Let's go find someone that used to live in a little village out in no where that doesn't exist anymore." I said in sarcasm.
-" wait. I think I know someone who used to live there" Betty said. I grinned.
-" then what are we waiting for?" I asked. We all got up and where about to go out when Betty stopped us.
-" I think I should go alone. You guys are tired. Sara, you've been through a lot for one night. You should get some rest. And you've all been helping so much that your probably late with your homework's by now. Me and John will go and you guys go home and rest" Betty said. I was about to protest but Betty just took both my hands and pressed them tightly. I sighted and then nodded.
-" good luck" Jace said.
-" See you guys" Betty said and we where all out of the house.
-" I wish we could go with her" I said.
-" come on superwoman. You have to help out yourself now" Liam said and opened the car door for me. I turned to Jason's car and waived goodbye to them before I got into the car. Liam went around the car and sat in the driving seat.
-" hey, you can just let me of at my house and then go home and rest. I think my mom wants some time with us" I said. Liam smiled and nodded and then started the car. I turned around and watched Betty and John get into John's car as we got further away. When I couldn't see them anymore I turned forward. Liam glanced at me.
-" you okay?" Liam asked. I looked out the window and nodded. Liam put his hand on my thigh. I looked at him. Liam just raised one eyebrow and I knew he didn't believe me.
-" it's just," I began. "I don't think that this will work." I said.
-" it will" Liam said with a smile. "But that's not why your concerned" Liam said. I sighted.
-" okay you got me" I said and pushed my lips together. "I... I feel like there's something not quite right. I mean now that Bill is gone. It's good. We're safe. But something's wrong. I can feel it." I said.
-" Don't worry. He's in jail. He can't hurt you. I won't let that" Liam said. I smiled and nodded. Liam is sweet, but he's bad at listening. I know who I can talk to...

I looked around in the dark backyard. It's definitely creepy being here alone. I jumped up and down so I would get warm. A minute later the yard door opened and HE ran in. HE smiled and ran up to me. I immediately started to climb up the tree and HE climbed after me. When we both sat down on the branch HE put his head on the side and waited for me to speak.
-" you know it's hard for me to just say things" I said.
-" I know. I'm not pressuring you" HE said. I smiled.
-" okay. I feel like Bill is up to something. Now that he's gone it feels like something's wrong." I said.
-" Right?! Omg I'm feeling it to." HE said.
-" Wait you do?!" I asked. HE nodded his head quickly.
-" When the cops drove away with Bill" HE said.
-" Did you see that?" I asked and HE nodded. I sighted. "What can it be?"
-" I don't know. But it doesn't seem good. I don't want you to be worried tho. I'm sure we can solve it. We have a great team" HE said. I laughed.
-" yes we do. The best team" I said...

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