When John had feelings

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Jason and HIM were waiting by Jason's car when I walked through the school parking lot and stopped next to them.
-" Dude I'm telling you, she was so hot. I couldn't resist. I know I told you I wouldn't sleep around but come on, you know me. I had to even though I knew I would leave after." Jason said. Don't punch him, don't punch him.
-" at 1 am in the morning? Did you even think that maybe we were asleep?" HE asked. Jason sighted. They both turned to me. "Finally Sara." HE said.
-" sorry I didn't text you, my phone died. I'm going over to Johns house today. Sorry you had to wait" I said.
-" it's okay. See you later then" HE said and they both got in the car and drove away as quickly as possible. Yeah that wasn't weird at all. I sat down on the sidewalk and scrolled through Instagram while I waited for John. 20 minutes later his car stopped right in front of me. I opened the front seat door and got in the car.
-" what took you so long?" I asked.
-" hi...?" John said. I frowned.
-" hi. What took you so long?" I said. John struggled and drove out of the parking lot. I looked out the window and glanced a few times back at John. He didn't say anything through the whole ride. I didn't think he would be this hard on himself about this. I didn't even think he would care. But he does. I can see it. The way he holds the steering wheel tightly and how he stares at the road, glancing at the street where my house is. He kept looking at my house.
-" Betty's not at my place" I said after a while of silence. John didn't blink for a minute.
-" w-why would I care?" John said. I sighted.
-" I'm your sister idiot. I know you." I said. John frowned.
-" what? That I'm feeling something? Anger? Irritated? Yeah I do. I am pissed. Because she has to make a big deal about everything. She just want an excuse to get mad at me." John said. I shock my head.
-" and why do you think she does that?" I asked. John froze. Then he just stared out at the road again. "How long is this going to take?" I asked and sighted. John glanced confused at me. When he realized what I meant he glanced away and frowned.
-" until she says sorry" John said.
-" and why shouldn't you say sorry? You were the one who started it" I said.
-" this didn't start 2 days ago. It started when we first met. She has always hated me and she has always found a way to hate me even more. So don't blame it on me" John said.
-" uh yeah I do! I blame it on you. But also on Betty. But she's not here now so let's talk about what you did wrong" I said. John turned to me and then back at the road.
-" me?! I didn't do anything wrong" John said.
-" Oh really? So you always did good?" I asked and crossed my arms over my chest. John sighted.
-" okay maybe not always. But we've all made mistakes before." John said.
-" but we've said sorry" I said. John just stared out the road. "John, who cares about who says sorry first. It's about really meaning it. And I know you want to. You don't like that Betty is mad at you. You hate yourself for that." I said, remembering that HE said that HE would hate himself if HE made me hate HIM. John still didn't say anything. "But you can change that. You think you'll lose if you say sorry first? Is this really a competition to you? You know Naomi is your competition in everything. John. Come on man" I said. John took a deep breath. Then he quickly shock his head.
-" don't try to get in my head Sara. I'm not saying sorry until she says sorry!" John said and stopped the car. "And don't say man. It sounds so dumb." John turned of the engine and jumped out of the car. I looked out the window and saw that we were already out side Johns house. John marched up to the porch and then into the house and closed the door after him. I sighted and shock my head at the way he was acting. I opened the car door and walked in after him. I hanged my jacket and glanced around while taking of my shoes. Where did John go? I found John in the living room, burning the fire. I slide down on the couch and wrapped a blanket around myself.
-" it's really starting to get cold outside" I said and looked out the window. I glanced at John. He was just sitting really still, looking out the window. "John?.." I asked. He didn't answer me. I crawled over to him. "John? What wrong?" I asked. John just hide his face in his arms. "Talk to me" I said and put my hand on John's shoulder, to make him look at me, but he didn't.
-" I-it's nothing" John whispered.
-" come on John. Don't lie to me" I said. John took a deep breath.
-" I'm okay" John said and got up. The fire warmed my cheek as John walked out of the living room. I got up and followed him to the kitchen. John was looking for something in the kitchen shelf. I slowly put my hand on John's shoulder.
-" why does everything and everyone change?" John asked. His voice was shaking. I turned John towards me and looked at him. He couldn't even look back at me, like he was ashamed of something.
-" John..." I said and pulled him into a hug. John just stood there, allowing me to hug him. I stepped back and John followed me to the kitchen table where we sat down. "I know changes are scary and mostly bad, but there is things that are good with it. Like meeting Betty, Jace and HIM" I said.
-" I think I could do fine without them" he said.
-" don't say that" I said.
-" If dad- Austin didn't leave, I would never have became a drug dealer and Bill would never have been in your life. If Naomi hadn't left, she would never let Jason turn into what he is know and you would be happy. And if we wouldn't change, Jason would invite us to family parties where we could meet HIM and Jace. And if they came, they're dad would to, so he wouldn't be in the building tragedy. And then he could talk to Jason's dad and help out Jason. And because we would be such a big group, we wouldn't need Betty. If things didn't change..." John said.
-" maybe Betty hasn't done enough for you, but you saved her life and that's what makes people happy. I don't know how you can't be happy. And maybe Betty is bad at showing how thankful she is, but she knows that she wouldn't make it long without your help, and she's trying so hard to make it work between you guys, but you can't see it. Or you don't want to see it." I said. John finally looked up at me. His mouth had froze.
-" you- you really think so?" John asked. No dumb ass I'm just lying. What do you think?
-" yeah. Betty is hurt right now." I said.
-" yeah, because I screamed at her"
-" and because she misses us. She misses you" John just laugh at that.
-" yeah right. Betty is fine without me as much as I'm fine without her." John said.
-" you can't hide your feelings from me. Your my brother dumbass." I said. John grinned and looked down. I looked at him for a while before I got up. "Forget it. Let's do something. I came her to hang out with you. What should we do?" I asked. John looked out the window.
-" it's definitely to cold to go outside." John said. "We can drive to a sports game." I raised one eyebrow.
-" do you even have tickets?" I asked. I know John. He wants to climb up the fence.
-" no, but we can just climb up the fences." John said. I rolled my eyes. Told you!
-" no" I said. I turned around and went to the living room.
-" come on" John called after me as I wrapped the blanket on the couch around me and sat down in front of the fireplace. John sat down next to me.
-" Why do you do it John?" I asked without looking at him. John looked confused at me.
-" do what?" He asked.
-" why do you always chose the bad way?" John sighted.
-" I don't chose the bad way. It just seems like the better way" John said. I frowned in confusion and turned to him.
-" Better way? In what world is that the better way?" I asked. "It's the easiest way, but definitely not the better way."
-" come on. Don't tell me you haven't taken that way before." John said.
-" I have, but I've learned from my mistakes. You just keep taking the bad ways and never agree that it's a mistake. You just want to walk your own pattern, but you can't make it far and you will just end up where you started. And I'm telling you, it's not right. And definitely not BETTER" I said. John raised his hand in the air, as giving up.
-" okay. I get it. Not better." He said. "What do you want me to do then? Sit around like you?" John said. I looked away, out the window. Does John really want to do something good?
-" no. We're gonna go for a walk" I said and got up. John looked up at me in shock.
-" What?..." John said. I rolled my eyes. "I'm not a little girl and it's cold."
-" get up" I said and dragged him up. "I'm gonna show you the right way." I said...

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