When I designed and then cried (part 2)

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My mouth stayed open. Adopted?
-" You're dad adopted me" John repeated. I didn't know what to say. And I think Jason realized that, because he started to ask.
-" What? How did that happen?" Jason asked. John sighted. There was no escape now.
-" I never knew my parents. I was in a orphan. No one wanted to adopt me because I wasn't a good kid. When I was the only one left, the orphan was going under. I would be left in the steers. But one day the manager of the house called you're dad. You're dad came and told me that he won't let anything happen to me. Then he took me home. But not to you," John said, looking at me. "You're dad told me everything. He told me about you. He brought this house for me. He was visiting everyday. He made me start in the same kindergarden as you guys. I recognized you immediately. You were standing with Jason and Naomi. We became friend. But when we got older and Naomi moved and you're dad left... I didn't have anyone to tell me to be a good boy. I became a drug dealer. Everything changed and our memories started to disappear."
I still didn't know what to say.
-" So we are... We're siblings?" I asked. John looked up now.
-" No no no. You're dad was like a friend. If you don't want us to be sibling we don't have to. It wasn't even serious. He didn't have a choice. He wanted to help. This doesn't change anything Sara." John said.
-" It does. You're my stepbrother." I said.
" Not really. You're dad just adopted me because he had to. Nothing more. You're my friend. Nothing more" John said in panic. I took a deep breath. John's my... Well kinda. I still couldn't stop my tears. I cried again.
-" Sara, it's okay. It's nothing serious." Jason said quietly beside me. I turned my face around, turned it away from Jason and John.
-" I.. I need to be alone" I said and got up. Before anyone could stop me, I went out of the room. But I stopped when I was in the hallway, when I saw Jace with his forehead agains a wall, Betty sitting on the floor and HIM leaning against the wall in front of Betty. They all stood up straight when they saw me.
-" Sara..." Betty said but I just ran past them. I need to get out...

I took a deep breath while I was dangling with my legs from the three. I looked down from the branch I was siting on. I could here everyone calling after me. An alone tear fell down my cheek. How could no one tell me this? How could this even happen? The worst thing; why does this bother me so much? My heart jumped when the three shocked a little. I looked down and wasn't surprised to see HIM climbing up. HE sat down next to me and smiled.
-" why am I not surprised that you found me?" I said.
-" Sara what's wrong?" HE said. HE knew what was wrong. But he wanted to see if I knew. And I didn't.
-" how is this possible? How can John be my brother?" I said.
-" It's possible because it's not a big deal. And John isn't really you're brother. The thing is, you see it the way you make it. If you don't want to make it a big deal, then you don't make it that. It sound hard, but it'll get better. There will always be bad thing happening. You just have to not make them worse for yourself. If you don't want John to be you're brother, then you don't let that get into you're head." HE said. My head fell to the side while I looked at HIM. I pushed my lips together and sighted.
-" Yeah... Why can't I think like you?" I said.
-" because we're different people. And that's why we need each other. Sara you can't push everyone away. We're here for you." I nodded.
-" You're right" I said as a disappointment.
-" and right now I think you need to talk to John about this. If you push it up, it'll get worse. You should talk to him" HE said. I nodded and sighted again.
-" Hey," I said and pushed HIM with my shoulder. "Thank you"
-" Of course. Any time" HE said. Then I took a deep breath and climbed down the three. HE climbed down right after me. When I came into the house it was quite. I went into the living room and saw the others sitting there. But John wasn't there. Betty looked up at me and was about to say something when I talked first.
-" Where's John?" I asked. Jason nodded out to the entrance. I nodded and smiled before I, alone, went out. John was siting on the old couch. John's guys didn't take it with them. I wonder why. I walked towards the couch and slowly slide down onto the couch next to John. He looked up and sat up when he saw it was me.
-" Sara I'm-" John said but I lifted my hand, to make him stop talking.
-" It's okay. I'm mad at you for not telling me before, of course. But that's not why I'm here." I said. John looked confused at me. "I want you to tell me about everything. How was my dad for a dad?" I said and smiled. John smiled back. I stretched out my legs over John's legs.
-" He was awesome " John said. "But, I haven't had any other experience with parents before, so. Except that they left me." John said.
-" Yeah... But so did dad" I said. John nodded and looked away.
-" Do you... do you think he'll come back?" John asked.
-" Yeah. I do" I said. John pushed his lips together.
-" I don't." he said. "But if he did, would you be okay with it? Like would you forgive him?" This is the question I've been asking myself ever since dad left. Would I forgive him?
-" I don't think so.." I said.
-" Me neither. But i think he left for a reason. So if he comes back, it has to be for something. Or someone"
-" You think he'll come back for... you?" I asked and looked up.
-" No. For you" John said. We were both looking down.
-" I still won't talk to him. So he can go and fuck himself." I said. John laughed and nodded.
-" Yeah. That he can do" John said...

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