30. the last dance

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TODAY WAS WEDDING day. Hazel Anderson and Vincent Robertson get married, the grand special day the family was waiting for. The day that Hazel became Hazel Robertson.

Vienna sat down in the brides room with the bridesmaid while they all got ready. The bridesmaids were wearing their dresses; which were a rose gold silk dress.

"Vienna, honey. Come here." Hazel calls for her while she was getting her make up done. Vienna walks over, smiling slightly. "Here. I want you to have it. But keep it in your jewelry box and only wear it for special occasions."

Hazel drops a necklace in her hand, Vienna's eyes widen when she saw it. It was the necklace she always adored in her moms jewelry box. Hazel told her that one day, she'll give it to her.

Today was that day.

"Thank you so much, Mom." Vienna mumbled, wrapping her arms around her mother. Hazel smiles, Vienna melting into her arms. "I love you."

"I love you more sweets." She smiled and they pulled away. "Now, go get ready. Your dress is laid out on the bed and you still have to get your hair and make up done."

Vienna scrunches her face up when her mother taps her nose. She then walks away with the hair stylist and makeup artist, walking out of the room.

She turned the corner, bumping into someone.

"Oops, I'm sorry." Vienna apologizes, looking up at the person. Her eyes widen when she saw Cassie in front of her.

She gasped when she saw Vienna. "Vee! Aw you look so pretty." Cassie touched the tips of her curled hair and smiled.

"Thank you."

"Are you heading to your room?" She asked her and Vienna nodded her head. "I'll come with you."

"Is Nelson here?" She questioned, looking around for him. Cassie shook her head as she loops her arm around the young girl.

"He isn't here yet. I decided to come early to help with anything. I think he's coming later though." She explains to her and they entered Vienna's big room. "I wish Nelson keeps his room this clean."

"Don't worry, whenever I'm over at the house I always clean up a bit in his room." Vienna giggles, sitting down at her vanity.

She stared at herself in the mirror, combing through her curls with her fingers. Vienna felt like a princess on top of her world.

"You look gorgeous, sweetie." Cassie repeated with a grin on her face. "Nelson will swoon when he see's you."

"You think?"

"I know he will."

Vienna smiled up at Cassie, looking back at her own reflection while she went to go get the blue dress in her bed.

"Here. Put it on. The wedding starts in an hour and we still have to go to the venue."

Today was the day.

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