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There was a moment of eerie silence in my head- around me, there was havoc, people whispering, pointing, Feyre standing unmoving merely metres away from Tamlin.

But in my head, there was nothing. No answer from Rhysand. Not even a whisper back. I gripped Lucien's arm, feeling my head spinning and my legs growing weak, when suddenly there was a cracking sound, as if the sky itself had split open.

Curly shadows appeared, out of nowhere, as the sun still shone brightly in the sky. My heart skittered in my chest- anxiety, just that.

The shadows parted magnificently, and born out of the darkness was a tall, lean figure. I recognised the handsome sharp face, with the messy black hair and the violet twinkling eyes immediately.

"My greetings to the wonderful Spring Court. Hello, Lilith darling." He purred, his eyes twinkling under the spring sun. He was standing by Feyre's side, and my stomach ached. I didn't know what to do, how to react- Rhysand was too unpredictable, too much of a joker card.

And yet, what other choice did I have?

Ianthe took a step back, all colour draining from her face, while Tamlin took one forward, gritting his teeth, claws making their appearance underneath tan skin. "Easy there, Tam. How have you been? How long has it been since I last saw you? Mmm, three months? A bit more?" Rhysand pretended to scratch his chin as Feyre took a step away from him- him and Tamlin.

Lucien was gripping my arm so harshly it was starting to hurt. Rhysand noticed too, his eyes growing darker. "Let go of her, Lucien." Lucien let out a raw chuckle. "You must be forgetting that I don't follow whore orders." Rhysand lifted one perfectly arched eyebrow- in a flash of light, he was standing right in front of me and Lucien.

"And you must be forgetting what said whore can do to you." Rhysand didn't even need to lift a finger to tear Lucien into pieces- which was the last thing I needed. "It's ok Lucien." I quietly told my friend, rubbing his arm. "It's not." He growled, pulling me closer to him.

"Tamlin." Rhysand sighed, as if the entire endeavour was tiring him. "Tell your little dog to let her go. You know what happens if you try to break the bargain." Tamlin's green eyes flickered with rage, and his teeth gritted together, but he gave Lucien a commanding look.

"Tamlin-" "Let her go Lucien." Tamlin said, no room for no's in his voice. Lucien reluctantly let go of my arm- I flinched. That had certainly left a bruise. "Good enough." Rhysand said, sounding bored as he gently took hold of my other arm. "Lilith, darling, are you ready to go?" "No." Feyre murmured, hugging her middle. Tamlin was protectively standing in front of her. "Don't take her Rhysand." Tamlin said- but it was obviously the only objection he was going to provide.

If it hadn't been clear enough before, it was now- Tamlin didn't care about me, we weren't friends, we weren't anything. "Or what Tamlin?" Silence. Ianthe had bailed, and so had most of the guests. "I thought so." Rhysand said, his voice as lovely as always.

Say something you idiot, we need to get Feyre with us as well.

If Rhysand heard me, he showed no sign of it.

"Tamlin." Feyre said, so quietly that I thought I might've imagined it. "Yes, love?" Tamlin replied, as quietly, still shielding my sister from view. "I can't let her go there alone." Rhysand stilled, an interested smile forming on his lips.

"Do continue that thought, Feyre." He purred, and Tamlin's face paled. "Feyre, don't." "Tamlin, I can't." Her voice broke, tears running down her beautiful face. "Lilith would've done the same for me. Take me too Rhysand." Rhysand threw his head back, gorgeous laughter echoing.

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