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The day after Rhysand's grand announcement, he was nowhere to be found. Coward. Mor was also gone, and the only people I encountered, other than Amelia and Feyre, were Nuala and Carrie, the phantom-girls that had dressed me under the Mountain and were assigned to care for Feyre and I in the Night Court.

I tried communicating with Rhysand through our mind connection or whatever bond we shared, but nothing worked. Prick, prick, prick. I kept cursing- but faced with utter boredom, I somehow followed his instructions by working on my mental shields and defence and offence.

It wasn't fun and it was tiring, but it seemed that his words had gotten to me more than I thought. And I wasn't the only one- Feyre and Amelia practised their powers together: even if Feyre had yet to summon anything, she was at least slowly accepting there was some kind of power inside of her.

Feyre was also practising her reading- Rhysand sent us pieces of paper with sentences for Feyre to read such as Rhysand is the most handsome/powerful/attractive etc High Lord. It brought a small smile to Feyre's lips and a scowl to mine: he was too busy to answer my calls, but not too busy to send ridiculous slips of paper.


The final day before our departure from the Night Court arrived, and I was uncertain on how to feel about it. I'd also see Rhysand again- he'd sent word the previous night we'd all be having the final breakfast together.

I also didn't know how to feel about that.

All I knew, as I looked at myself in the mirror, was that I wanted to look my best.

It had been only one week, and yet my weight gain was obvious. My cheeks weren't hollow anymore, my bones weren't jutting out of the skin, my hair was healthier, my eyes shone.

I pulled back my dark blonde hair, blue-grey eyes determinedly staring back at me. I chose perhaps the most beautiful set in my closet to wear for breakfast: the pants were flowy, and ended up below my knees. They were a shimmery midnight blue mixed with soft purple, and created a V that left my waist exposed. The shirt was the same colour, looking like the night sky, and also had a V, decorated with gold lining, that left part of my breasts exposed in a dark, feminine way.

I loved that set way more than I'd like to admit.

I considered leaving my hair down, but I ended up braiding it in a high ponytail.

With one final glance at the mirror, and before I could feel any self-consciousness that'd make me change, I descended the staircase to the dining room.

I seemed to be the last one to arrive for breakfast as everybody were already seated- Mor, Rhysand, Amelia and Feyre who had left me to get ready in privacy. But weirdly enough, there was no playful banter, no laughter- only tense silence. "Whom are we mourning?" I asked, trying to keep my face apathetic as I took a seat.

"Mor was just about to tell us, actually." Rhysand replied, his voice harsh and tense. I knew better than to push him. "Tell us what?" I quietly asked, looking at the gorgeous blonde. "Um- priestesses were slaughtered. Again. The temple was destroyed. Again." Her voice was hesitant- Rhysand looked- he looked furious. His eyes were glistening with rage, and every muscle in his body seemed to be taunt . "Where?" "Cesere." "Who?" "We don't know." "Fuck!" Rhysand yelled, dropping his fork.

He had yet to touch his plate. None of them had. "Azriel?" Mor hesitantly nodded positively. At the mention of his name, I cast a look at Amelia. She looked pale: I remembered her telling me about Azriel.

She hadn't admitted it, but I was pretty sure she had been in love with him. Perhaps still was. Only that it wasn't right, and it wasn't rational, and life wasn't fair.

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