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I was really starting to regret teaching her about mind barriers. No- I didn't want any Daemati looking through her brain, taking advantage of any weakness, any fear. I'd kill anyone who tried that, as a matter of fact.

But not having heard from her for days drove me crazy- the silence was eerie, and quite frankly, worrisome at the very least. I had been letting all kinds of thoughts enter my brain- what if she was hurt and unable to call out to me? What if Tamlin had done something to severe our connection? What if she was sleeping with Lucien- they had, after all, seemed quite close? What if she was...

No, I wouldn't think of that. Mor was probably right anyways: she was simply practising and growing really skilled with her mental shields. Which I should be happy about. I was happy about it, about her following my advice- I simply wished she'd sent me a hey Rhysand, still alive.

Cassian and Azriel were getting annoyed with me- I wasn't able to concentrate on anything, my mind constantly on a certain brunette with lovely blue eyes. I was a High Lord and needed to prepare my court for war- I needed to get my act together.

I had been tempted to pay a visit to the Spring Court- but it wasn't yet time to claim our bargain, and so Tamlin would be furious, and with good reason. So I tried to be rational- it wasn't working very well, proven by the fact that I was spending my Sunday at the Night Court instead of Velaris.

I loved my friends- my family- to death but it was hard listening to them tell me to let her live her life- she was my mate, the woman I was in love with and human- meaning vulnerable to any danger.

I would burn the world if anything happened to her. If anyone touched a hair on her head- I shallowed the whiskey's bitter taste. The book on my lap remained untouched, and knowing I wasn't going to read it, I placed it on the low table, refilling my whiskey glass.

I was planning on drinking myself to sleep when I felt a tug- something pulling at my mind, and then a firm voice.


I felt as if everything stilled- I'd recognise her voice amidst thousands, amidst all the voices on this vile world, and this was definitely her calling my name.

I felt our bond strongly and her mind open to me- I immediately and without hesitation dived in.

Where are you Lilith?

She laughed, and I had to grip the couch's arms as the sound filled me whole- I hadn't heard her laugh in so long.

That was quick. Hello Rhysand.

If she was in a mood for joking around, especially with me, she was ok, she was definitely- and then why would she be calling out to you, you idiot?

Good work on your shields.

I quietly thought- I didn't want to pressure her into anything-


She said almost immediately.

Is there any chance you're planning a visit to the human lands tonight?

Is there any chance you're there?

Many chances. Does your offer still stand ally?

I wasn't sure I remembered how to breathe- for a second, nothing mattered. Not how she had ended up in the human lands, not what would happen next, not what anyone had to say about it- she was reaching out and was ready to-

I immediately clumsily placed my glass on the table and stood up- I thought about winnowing but I was too distracted, and so I did what I knew best.

I felt my wings slowly appear between my shoulder blades, strong and steady. I stepped on the windowsill, and inhaled- the night sky was gorgeous and the stars were bright as ever. Perhaps that meant something.

Where exactly are you, Lilith darling?

By the woods near the Wall, I should be easy to find. You're winnowing?

I grinned to myself.


I ignored her protests and her warnings that she was not under any circumstance going to fly with me, and jumped off the windowsill, letting the breeze carry me.

I flew quickly and urgently, getting to the Wall and easily finding a hole I could fit through- that was not a good sign, but I didn't care enough, not at the moment.

I spotted her immediately- she was standing by the woods, wearing a floral dress that was not appropriate for the cold weather, her arms wrapped around her body, possibly trying to warm herself up.

I took my time flying to her, as not to let her know how much I had hurried- she raised her eyes to me and I shallowed the knot in my throat. She had lost weight again and her skin looked pale- but Mother save me, she was gorgeous. Her eyes were a perfect mix of blue and grey, her lips were full and inviting, her nose was soft and her hair was luscious, falling down her back.

I landed on my feet- I almost fell like a clumsy idiot, too busy staring at her. "Prepare to winnow us back." She grumbled, and her lower lip adorably jutted out. I smirked- I had really missed her. "It's either flying or sleeping in the woods, darling." "I knew this was a mistake." She cursed under her breath, shooting me a wary look.

I knew she didn't trust me- it hurt, but I knew it.

"I'm not going to drop you, Lilith."  I playfully said. She gave me a glare in response, but then reluctantly sighed. "Do I even have a choice?" I grinned in satisfaction. "I'm afraid not." She extended her hand, and I had to bite my lower lip as not to laugh- what did she expect, that we'd fly hand in hand?

I easily placed my hands on her waist, lifting her wedding-style in my arms- her eyes widened and she let out a small yelp. "Rhysand!" She said, half-heartedly slapping my chest. I let my head fall back as laughter roared in my chest. "Easy there darling, I won't be able to carry you otherwise."

Lilith sighed, bowing her head tiredly. "Fine. Just make it quick." "Careful what you wish for." I said, unable to stop teasing her and took flight without warning.

She didn't yelp this once, but I felt her short inhale. "You're so annoying." She grumbled again, and I grinned, pressing my chin against the top of her head. I savoured holding her in my arms, knowing I wouldn't get that chance again, and deliberately flew very slowly to the Night Court.

"You can let go of me now." She murmured as we landed, but made no move to disgustedly jump out of my arms- that was something. "See? You didn't die." I softly said, letting her step on her feet. She didn't seem dizzy at all- a stark difference to when we winnowed.

"Flying isn't that horrid, I suppose." She murmured, looking around- I remembered the first time I'd brought her, how stunned she'd seemed by everything- if only she saw Velaris- but no, I couldn't entertain those thoughts, at least not yet.

"Shall we?" I softly asked, and she nodded- I didn't bother offering her my arm, I knew she wouldn't take it, so I simply led the way. She seemed to remember the place well enough as she immediately stared at the stairs that led to her room. "Can I ask?" I said, a soft grin on my face. She sighed, dragging a hand down her face.

"Can we talk in the morning?" She looked up at me through her lashes, and I thought I'd give her about anything if only she asked for it. "Fine. Breakfast?" She tiredly nodded- we awkwardly stared at each other for a bit, unsure of what to say.

"Um- goodnight Rhys." She mumbled- and my heart was beating so damn loudly- she had called me Rhys. "Goodnight Lilith." I murmured- I don't think she heard me, she was already half up the stairs.

I took a deep breath- everything finally felt like it was settling in place: Cassian would've probably scolded me for that thought, there was a war in the horizon, but for just one moment I let myself entertain a feeling I hadn't felt in centuries. Bliss.

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