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I sat in my favourite armchair, a plate balanced on my knees, overlooking the wonderful night sky- it was nearly dawn, and Amelia had went to bed. I had spent a week at the Night Court- willingly.

If you told me that a few months ago- if you told me that Under the Mountain- I would've strangled you from fury. I had let myself believe Rhysand was the source, the root of my problems- when all he had been was a distraction. I wondered what would have happened if I didn't have him- I'd probably be dead.

No, I'd definitely be dead. His help saved me during the second task, and without him-

"That's a merry thought, darling." A dark voice echoed- I lifted my head to the High Lord of the Night Court. He was in a fitted black outfit that complimented his lean muscles, his wings were outstretched behind his back, and his face looked beautiful as always- but rugged, tired.

"Hard week?" I murmured, looking into his simmering violet eyes. He smirked, leaning against the door of the veranda, drawing my eyes to the way the muscles in his arms strained. "Very. How about you?" I sighed- something made me answer honestly. "Very. I feel empty- numb, indifferent." "Why?" Rhysand breathed, his gaze creating a small burning in my stomach.

"After everything that I've been through, I still haven't found something to fight for. Something to consider a home. Feyre, Nesta and Elaine are the closest thing I have to a home- Nesta and Elaine I can't endanger, and Feyre has made her choices." I didn't know why I was telling Rhys all of that- it made me shiver a bit.

"A home is the most valuable thing someone has. A place where they utterly belong, where they can be themselves, and feel safe. I have found mine- and I hope to help you find yours." Now it was my turn to ask him. "Why?"

His eyes simmered with some unexplainable emotion. "Because I want to see the girl who threw a bone at Amarantha, and offered herself to a monster to be with her sister, and fooled the most powerful Daemati shine again. I want to see the spark in you again- I want to feel it." His words were like goosebumps running down my arms- this entire thing felt oddly intimate.

"As about Feyre, I know you're worried because you can't contact her, but I'm quite proud of my spymaster. He's keeping an eye on her- if anything happens, we'll be able to get her out in time." I didn't know if I believed Rhys- it could be a ploy to get me to trust him, but I still felt immeasurable relief to know my sister was somewhat cared for.

"Thank you." I simply said- I was too tired for more words. "Trust me, you have nothing to thank me for." Rhys darkly said and pinned his gaze behind my head, at the sky. The morning sun was painting it in a wonderful warm orange- Feyre would've painted it.

"It's late, Lilith. Go to bed." He said, and without another word, turned around and left me alone. I hugged my knees close- what had I gotten myself into?


I awoke to screaming- screaming like the one I had heard Under the Mountain- brutal and loud, ear-piercing.

I struggled to get up, to get a grip on my surroundings- I was still at the Night Court, I recognised the space I was in, I was safe, Amarantha was dead-

But despite my reassurances, the screaming continued and I was sure it wasn't product of my imagination. I quickly shrugged on an airy, sparkly bolero to shield me against the cool and rushed downstairs- the screaming continued, so loud and- familiar.

"Lilith?!" I felt someone grasp my arm- I pulled back, almost tumbling over my feet: but it was only Amelia, her hair disheveled, her face pale and her eyes frightened. "Are you alright?! I thought you were screaming!" I struggled for breath- suddenly, the staircase felt too small, my lungs couldn't draw enough air-

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