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After we briefly explained to Amelia what was going on, and she cursed us for being stupid- she did look a bit excited for her first mission, even if she wouldn't admit it- I slid in my favourite Night Court set: the one that looked like the night sky and had those beautiful purple and blue hues, and joined everyone in the living room.

Rhys looked very relaxed, considering we were supposed to going on a mission- and also incredibly handsome in his total black outfit.

Well, thank you, love

The asshole grinned at me, and after sending him a mental middle finger, I snapped my shields up.

"If you guys are done with having creepy dialogues in your head, can I ask what that Velaris place is?" Amelia asked, sending Rhys an annoyed glare. He grinned, stretching his arms. "It's the City of Starlight, princess." Amelia gave him an exaggerated eye roll. "Very helpful, Rhys." Rhys chuckled in response, his eyes once again playfully finding mine.

"As much as I know you'd love flying there, Lilith darling, we'll winnow. I'll winnow you one at a time. Who wants to go first?" I glared at him- flying was...I did like it more than winnowing, and the view from high in the sky was gorgeous, but I'd rather die than admit it to Rhys.

"I'll go last." Feyre decided, and we all agreed. Amelia took a deep breath before offering herself to go first- Rhys, with a casual smirk, grabbed her hand and then they were both gone. Only thinking about winnowing made my stomach turn with disgust.

Feyre shot me a concerned look, probably mistaking my expression of disgust. "Having second thoughts? We can always just stay here-" "No." I immediately reassured her. "It's just that winnowing is not my favourite form of transform." Indeed, I felt bile and disgust rising in my throat- Rhys appeared again, looking adequate: I did not know how he managed it.

Wielding such power with no effect on his physic- lucky bastard. "Feyre?" He said, extending a hand. My sister raised an eyebrow. "I thought I'd go last?" "Trust me." Rhys said, a solemn expression on his face as he kept his hand extended.

Feyre shot me a questioning look and I simply nodded- I was too tired to disagree with whatever Rhys had in mind. The prospect of winnowing had already exhausted me. Feyre took a deep breath before taking Rhys' hand- they both disappeared, and I took a deep breath.

Was I making a mistake with all of this?

Rhys shortly reappeared, and gave me a smirk. I sighed. "What now, Rhys?" "Now, we fly." His inky, membranous wings formed behind his back, strong and large- inviting. "I-" "If you want to winnow-" "No." I quickly said, and he widely grinned.

"If you just wanted me to hold you, you could've just said so." Rhys smirked, and I rolled my eyes. "Oh fuck off Rhys." "It's always fuck off Rhys, never thank you Rhys." He pouted, and I rolled my eyes again, but I couldn't suppress a small smile.

"Now, may I?" He said, a solemn expression on his face. I bowed my head, playfully smiling. "You may." He gently hooked his arm around my waist, and lifted me, as if I were made of feather- perhaps for him, I was.

His hands were firmly supporting my weight, and my back was against his chest- lean and strong. I felt oddly safe in his arms- and he was smirking like he knew it.

"Do you need a warning? Perhaps a-" I softly hit his chest. "Shut up Rhysand." "Eh the full name? You hurt me." His grin grew as he stepped on the window ledge, and as promised, without warning, fell off- my breath cut for only a second as we fell, but then he resurfaced, as easily as he was swimming.

"Scaredy cat." He mocked, his dimples making an appearance. I half-heartedly slapped his chest again. "Shut it. Let me enjoy the view." I said, staring at the ground and the sky beneath us. "View's right here." Rhys cockily said, and I threw him a glare in response. "Fine, your loss."

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