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I woke up into the late evening, the last sun rays hiding behind the clouds, the sky darkening. I stretched my arms and legs, getting up and surveying the room around me. It was wonderfully cozy- the walls were painted a beautiful lilac, the furniture was made of white oak wood, and there was a lovely little bookcase, with a plush chair that looked incredibly comfortable and soft.

The window was wide open and a soft chill brushed against my arms- I could still not believe how things had turned out. I was in Velaris, Rhys' secret city, that hadn't been touched or breached in hundreds of years, living in Rhys' family home, and the craziest part? I was here by choice.

I needed to take a walk. I quickly changed out of my pyjamas in a long-sleeved black dress, and a beige coat, pulled my hair into a messy ponytail and descended the staircase that led to the living room. Honestly, I was hoping that the Inner Circle, would be gone: I wasn't sure I could handle Cassian's jokes, Mor's innocent but overbearing friendliness, and- well, Azriel in general.

For a second, I thought I was in luck, as the living room seemed to be empty- but then, even before seeing him, I sensed him. His dark, quiet energy. I glanced his way- he was sitting on an armchair, reading. "Hello, Amelia. Slept well?" He said, without lifting his eyes from his book, a slight smirk on his lips.

I sighed- great. Just great.

"How do you think?" I said, unable to stop the sarcastic response. Azriel was still, infuriatingly enough, not looking at me. "Nobody's forcing you to be here, you know." His voice was so calm it drove me crazy. "Being here doesn't mean I have to endure you and your little friends." I said- I was on a mean streak.

"No, you don't. You could live anywhere- you could be on professional terms with us all." Azriel shrugged, calmly lifting his gaze and taking me in. His eyes made my throat burn and itch, as always. "You're such a dick." "Why?" "With this-" my voice trembled "with this attitude. Like you don't care about anything. It's an asshole move." His eyes glittered, as he stood up, closing his book.

"I never claimed not to be one. But what I'm trying to say, Amelia, is that now, you're free." Free. Not trapped in the Spring Court, not tied down by a bargain, not all alone in the Winter Court.

Just free, just that.

"Are you free right now?" I blurted out- Azriel darkly chuckled, shaking his head. "You should really get those mood swings in check, you know." I shrugged in response. "You're right: I am free. And I'd like to see my current residence through the eyes of an expert." Azriel pretended to consider for a moment, but I already knew he'd accept.

"Very well, I shall accept your humble request." He said, in an overly posh tone, and offered me his arm. I shallowed- there was a moment of hesitation, before I looped our arms together. His skin was surprisingly warm against mine- I fought a shudder, as I looked at his side profile.

"Come on then." He said, and I felt like his voice was a tone darker- but perhaps it was just me.


Velaris was wonderful- it was filled with art, nature, colours, and the most delicious tea I'd ever had. Azriel's insight was helpful as ever- I learned about the four palaces, divided by the Sidra river, about the art corner, and the House of the Wind, something like Rhysand's formal home.

It was a lot to take in- I could imagine myself exploring this untouched beauty for days and days and never getting bored. My traitorous brain even imagined Azriel exploring by my side.

I laughed in glee as I watched something like a circus perform on the street- there were glittery mice and blue canons. Azriel was standing behind me, silently watching the show, always focused and alert. Sometimes, when I was certain he wasn't looking my way, I stole gazes at his side profile. His straight nose, his full lips, his sharp jawline.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2023 ⏰

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