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I had to admit that things weren't half as bad as I expected. First of all, Feyre and I had almost as much privacy as we desired, and I had yet to encounter any awful beast alike the Attor. Amelia was there, and I had missed her way more than I realised- also, I had to admit Mor was really fucking cool- for Rhysand's cousin.

She seemed to love insulting him and was also very creative with it- she didn't seem to give a fuck about his status as High Lord, which was extremely entertaining. What I did not look forward to, though, was my training.

Rhysand had been very vague about it all- I was almost sure the bastard was trying to stress me on purpose. The first day we'd spent in the Night Court, he occupied himself with Feyre. Feyre left after breakfast and returned in the late evening- I half expected her to demand to be sent back to Tamlin immediately, but she seemed fine, only very annoyed with Rhysand, which was to be expected.

"He made me read and read and read until I literally, physically couldn't anymore!" She complained and complained- to make it up to her, he offered us wine that night, but I didn't touch it. The reminders of him offering me wine were too painful.

I didn't have any nightmares that night either though- the next day, I expected him to summon him, but he didn't. It was Amelia's turn: when she returned from training, she was as grumpy as Feyre about being achy all over, but once again, I expected far worse.

When my turn came, I regretted having eaten so much at breakfast. My stomach had tied itself in a knot.

"Follow me, Lilith darling." Rhysand mysteriously said, smirking as he took the lead. Mor, Feyre and Amelia shot me encouraging thumbs up, but it didn't help. Rhysand and I walked in silence for a bit, before reaching another room with a high ceiling- and loads of books. Like a lot of books.

Despite myself, I looked around in astonishment. It was a gorgeous place, and so many books- "You know you're welcome to come here at any time, right?" Rhysand said, his eyes on me. "I'd hate to get lost in here." I honestly murmured- despite not having encountered anything dangerous yet, I dreaded it. I had heard the rumours that Under the Mountain was styled after Rhysand's court. "Bullshit." Rhysand said, his eyes flashing angry for a second. "You're perfectly safe here." He glanced at me for one more second, before turning around and resuming his walking towards a wooden table. "And welcome to ask for directions." "I'll keep that in mind." I murmured, trying to shallow my nerves.

"Sit." Rhysand instructed, but I stubbornly stood. "Why?" "Fine by me, don't." Rhysand shrugged- I immediately felt him, his strong presence, his long claws caressing my mind. A surge of dizziness came over me as I gripped one of the chairs as not to fall down. "Fuck." I cursed under my breath. "Rhysand, stop!" He ignored me, velvety laughter echoing inside my head.

"That's why building up your shields is so important, love. I'm currently on the doorway of your mind- do you know how easy it'd be for me? To shatter your little human mind?" I gritted my teeth- I wasn't exactly in pain, but I was dizzy, and uncomfortable and-

I don't care if you're uncomfortable Lilith.


After this, you will be returning to the Spring Court. You think you're strong but any of them, all of them, could shatter you, your whole being, with just one breath. I need for you to fight back. TO BE STRONG!


I was screaming inside my head- perhaps out loud too, I wasn't sure.

You want me to shut up? Throw me out of your head.

I cried out as his talons applied more pressure- I bowed my head, trembling whole.

You know I can't.

Ice, steel and shadows -ACOMAF au Where stories live. Discover now