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I stared at my closet for a few seconds- and came up completely empty. I mean, what did one pack for a week at the Night Court? What did that week even include?

If I thought about it any harder, I would start losing my cool, which was the last thing I needed so I packed one thing for every possible occasion- from a party to a wedding, I was well-prepared.

My suitcase was a bit heavier than I'd planned, but I still managed to drag it down the stairs, where Azriel, Mor, Cassian and my parents were standing in awkward silence.

"Thought you'd flee, princess." Cassian said with an arrogant smirk while my dad rolled his eyes. "Yes, I was hoping so as well." "Still here." I mockingly said to Cassian, and then wrapped my arms around my father in a tight hug. He hugged me back, leaving a kiss on top of my head.

"Are you absolutely certain Amelia?" He softly asked, and I nodded in his embrace. "I will be fine dad." I said, both to convince him and myself. My mother hugged me next, her arms so tight around me I could barely breathe. "Mom!" I let a laugh escape me. "This isn't goodbye." She pulled away for a second, sending harsh glares to our guests. "It better not be. Take care of my fucking baby." Cassian and Mor threw their heads back laughing, while Azriel nodded, a serious expression on his face.

"I'll return her in a week, perfectly unscathed." He promised, just like he had a hundred and more years ago. "Mental trauma counts as trauma all the same, Azriel." I bitterly said, staring at him in the eye. He didn't avert his gaze, his hazel eyes burning. "Trust me, I know."

My mom slid her fingers in my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Be careful, alright?" I could still not look away from Azriel- it would be just one week: realistically, I didn't even have enough time to screw up. "I will be." I distractedly murmured, as Cassian and Azriel both took a step closer to me.

"Shall we?" Azriel softly asked, extending a hand. His skin was scarred and tattooed, anything but smooth- I had imagined those hands all over my body too many times: I knew I couldn't fly with him. "I'll go with Mor." I quickly said, looking at the blonde, who pursed her lips apologetically. "I'm afraid I'll winnow, and I'm not strong enough for two people. You'll have to fly with one of those idiots."

Cassian kept silent, an amused smirk on his lips, while Azriel was looking at me in a demanding way, his hand still extended my way. "Come on Amelia." Hearing my name exit his lips made my knees weak- for some reason, I half expected him to call me dove. But I supposed those days were far behind us, and I could give us the chance to start off with a clean slate- if only I wasn't so bitter and stubborn.

"Cassian, do you mind?" I asked, switching my gaze to him from Azriel- despite not looking at him, I could feel the quiet rage sweeping off him in waves. Cassian's smirk grew as he took me in- "Thought you'd never ask, princess." I uncomfortably shrugged, taking a step closer to the warrior.

"Greetings, Vivianne, Kallias." Cassian grinned, as he looped our arms together and pulled me along. "Priceless." I thought I heard Mor snicker- my heart was beating against my ribs, I was too aware of Azriel walking behind me, of his shadowy presence.

The cold air hit me at once- I slightly shivered. "Do you need my jacket? It gets quite cold up there." Cassian easily said, and shrugged off his jacket without waiting for an answer. "No, I'm-" "Oh shut up already, princess." Cassian said, rolling his eyes and placed his leather jacket over my shoulders.

It was warm and beaten-up, and felt good around my shoulders. I stole a glance to my right- Mor was nowhere to be seen and Azriel- my breath stuck in my throat. Azriel was standing completely still, the cold air messing up his hair, and his wings- gorgeous and inky black wings spread behind his toned back. It was a sight so breathtaking that no painter could ever transfer into a piece of paper- it had too many dimensions, too many colours, too many feelings.

Ice, steel and shadows -ACOMAF au Where stories live. Discover now