What a Jerk

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Chapter 3:

During class we started studying the options we had. Alex and I were talking like old friends after the awkwardness passed. After, Mrs. Montgomery finished her slide show of people from the 16th century, Alex and I started arguing over who we should do the project on.

"We should Nicolaus Copernicus," I told him.

He shook his head and said " Nope, that's too boring. We should do exciting people like Leonardo Da Vinci or Michelangelo Buonarroti!"

"I rather do Copernicus, he's more important than Leonardo Da Vinci and Michelangelo Buonarroti."

"I beg to differ," he said while giving an dumb impression of a college professor.

I laughed out loud, only to get scolded by Mrs. Montgomery. After she left, Alex quietly chuckled and pointed his finger at me. I stuck my tongue at him and crossed my arms like a five year-old that got his toy train taken away from him.

"Ok I have a suggestion," he mused.

"Alright, I'm all ears."

"How about we flip a coin. Whoever wins gets to pick the person we're doing the project on."

"Ok, but I call heads."

"Fine, I got tails."

He took out a quarter from his pocket and flipped it. It landed on tails and I stuck my tongue out at him. He mimicked my actions and we both earned a look from Mrs. Montgomery.

"So, I was wondering what was all that about in the hallway," Alex asked unexpectedly.

"Oh, well me and Crystal were just having a race. She challenged the best runner in our gym class."

"No, you aren't."

"And how would you know?"

"I'm in your gym class."



The bell suddenly rang and a bunch of student quickly gathered their things and bolted through the door while others stayed and offered to put the chair up. Alex and I helped out and then walked out of the class room.

"Bye, Alex"

He grabbed my arm.

"What no good bye hug?" He said with a mischievous smile on his face.

I smiled and hugged him. He wasn't that bad for the 'school's player'. I could actually see us being great friends. Maybe I under estimated him just a little too much. Then he lowered his hand and grabbed my ass. I pulled away from him shocked. He just stood there and smirked.

"What's wrong with you," I yelled attracting the attention of a few other students. Their attention caused me to blush the brightest of reds.

"What like you didn't want me. Why don't we go over to my place and I'll introduce you to my bedroom," he whispered into my ear while he took a step forward. I gasped and took a step back. Alex followed me until my back was against the lockers.

He leaned in until his nose was touching mine.

"How about it?" he asked.

"How about 'no'!" I said.

Then I pushed against his chest hard. He stumbled a little and I took this chance to get far away from as possible. I turned from him and walked away. I never knew Alex could be such a jerk! He looked so down-to-earth and sweet but wow was I wrong. I ran to the school parking lot with a few tears streaming down my face. I finally got to Crystal's car and I opened the door like a mad man.

"Let's go!"

With a confused look on her face she pulled it of the drive way and drove me home.

"What happened back there?"

"Boy drama....I'll explain later right now I don't want to talk about it. I just want to go home."


I promised myself I wouldn't continue worrying about what happened earlier but the memories kept flooding back into my mind. I wonder what was going through his sick, twisted mind. Did he think that I'd fall for him so easily and end up as just another girl in his bed? If he did than he thought wrong.

To get the thoughts out of my head, I headed into my bathroom and took a long hot shower. I then got out and changed into a pair of pajama shorts and a t-shirt. I hopped into my bed and stared at the ceiling. I was about to fall asleep when I got a call from Crystal.

"So what happened this afternoon?"

"Nothing," I said way too quickly.

"Ok, then explain why you were running like a robber and crying."

"Just some weird dude trying to touch me but don't worry if he ever tries again I'll kick him where the sun don't shine ;)"

"Ok, later girl I got to finish up some homework"


She hanged up and I just laid in my bed staring at the ceiling. My ceiling wasn't empty like everyone else's. It had pictures of bands like Hawthorne Heights, Taking Back Sunday, and Sleeping with the Sirens. Then I had pictures of Crystal and Harvey. My only two friends. I remembered when I met them.

I met Crystal in first grade. I was too shy to even try to make friends. Crystal saw me sitting alone at lunch. Then she offered me a seat at her table with Harvey. We all quickly became best friends. Harvey was like the older brother I never had. I had a small crush on him once but that was the past. Harvey had pretty brown eyes and dark black hair. To me they were completely irresistible to any girl but Harvey was oblivious to his good looks.

Oh, crap!

I completely forgot to call Harvey. I checked the time on my alarm clock. It was 1:38 a.m. I didn't want to call him now because he was probably asleep. Something that I should be doing.

I turned off the lamp next to my bed and laid in bed with thoughts about Alex and his dumb ass decision. I just wondered why me? Why would Alex want to waste his time trying to seduce me? Our school was like an ice cream shop with plenty of flavors. And I was vanilla. Why would he want plain old vanilla. Oh well, all I knew was I was going to have to be more alert around him. I'm definitely not going to end up as another girl on his list of people he slept with in high school. I bet there were many pretty girls who lost their V-cards to Alex and it seems so sad that half of those girls turned into major sluts.

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