Playing with Fire

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From Chapter 40:

"Help me find Sophia."

They nodded their heads and I almost let out a frustrated groan but I sucked it back in. I'm going to find my girlfriend.


Before I start off this chapter, I'd like to say I took so long because there was no motivation. No one urged me to hurry up or gave me their opinions so it made me feel like this story was dead. So to prove me wrong: Vote/Comment/ and share this story with your friends! One of the main reasons that i updated is because I have 2 new books I want to publish soon so 'Blinded by Love' will be coming to an end soon. I added extra text for this exciting chapter & a song called, "It pulls me under" by Butterfly Boucher. As a warning, I will tell you guys that this chapter will contain Strong language (curse words) so read at your risk and don't repeat any words here ._.

Thanks guys & Enjoy😊

Chapter 41:

I hate my life, I thought angrily.

Seriously, I am mean what good ever comes from it. Right now I'm being held hostage in the same building for what felt like months.

Ever since Erin had fled from this place I had to battle my fears alone. No one came to give me proper food, no one came to take care of me, and no one came to save me. I was literally living in my own personal hell.

Every morning I was woken to cold water on my open wounds caused by the rusty knife that was brought by the sadist guy. He enjoyed when I sobbed for mercy and recently gained a new hobby: taunting me.

He would laugh at how I was too weak to defend myself.

"You're pathetic; only a real woman would be able to get out of this trouble. Maybe I could help you feel like a real woman."

This would end with the sadist taking advantage of me and groping me with his calloused fingers. Just having him threaten me with what he called "becoming a woman" had me bawling my eyes out.

Today, everything happened but I felt numb. As each day passed, so did my hope of ever leaving this place did. All I could do is sit in the agonizing silence that was slowly making me hysterical.

Downstairs I heard loud and quick footsteps running upstairs. I already knew who they belonged to: Hannah.

"We're in deep shit," I heard the girl's scared whisper. "They're getting more suspicious."

If they were trying to keep this a secret from me then they were being unsuccessful. There was an emotion that I didn't recognize from Hannah that was streaming out of her voice: fear.

"We have to do something and fast," she said becoming a bit louder.

"Than we have to get rid of the evidence," the Sadist replied.

They both seemed to think for a while because there was a silence that had me anxious. How were they going to get rid of the "evidence"?

"I'll be back," Hannah said hurriedly.

The sadist entered the room and paced for a bit. The dimmed lighting gave him a malevolent appearance. He looked like he was once handsome but the scar on his face and his actions towards me made me think otherwise. I didn't have that much time to study him anymore because then he turned on me.

"What the hell are you looking at? Because of you we're in a huge fucking mess."

I wasn't shocked at his sudden change of attitude. Having been stuck in this horrid place made me used to his random mood swings. I wanted to yell back at him and tell him it isn't my fault that he's a psycho but I knew better then to mess with him.

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