Author's note

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Thank you to the following Authors:














****Follow of these people and Spam these people with love❤!!! They helped promote my story and get many followers in just about three days. 3 days ago no one wanted to read my book but these people helped me and I'm eternally grateful.****

Also, read all of their books because I'm in the process of reading them and I have to say all of their books are awesome. And I wouldn't lie to you guys so please read and enjoy their fun-filled and adventurous books!

Lastly, I will be returning to school tomorrow so I'm not completely sure if i'll be able to update 3x a day but I will make an effort to update once a day. I'm also sorry if I make grammar mistakes or if the chapters are too short. I'll update ASAP!!!! Bye, lovelies♥✌

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