Everything has changed...

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#1: Thanks to everyone who participated in my small contest.

#2: Please read/follow these people and read their stories (please)!:






#3: It might be while before I update again. :/ 

#4: Lastly, please vote/comment/share my story. Your support means everything to me! There's no picrure with this chapter but there is a great song by Taylor Swift and Ed Sheeran called 'Everything has changed'. Enjoy the story :)

 Chapter 28:

*Sophia’s POV*

When I woke up my head felt like a rock fell on it. Through my squinted eyes I saw the sun and I turned around to avoid it. When I turned I bumped into something and opened my eyes. Or maybe it was someone? When I turned I saw Alex sleeping peacefully right beside me. I sat up and looked around.

This is not my house and this is definitely not my bed.

I was about to scream out loud but then the memories came back to me.

Rape.  Alex.  Saved.

Those were the first 3 words that entered my mind. Last night, I was almost raped but then Alex saved me. A breeze entered the room and I clutched the sheets when I realized I was only in a t-shirt and my lace panties. I’m so glad Alex didn’t decide to take advantage of me in my drunken state.

I laid back down and stared at Alex’s sleeping form.  I touched his cheek and admired his facial features. He looked so innocent and peaceful. I gave him a quick peck on the cheek and tried to get up from the bed but he grabbed my waist and hauled me back to his body. He wasn’t wearing a shirt and felt his abs on my back.

What do I do now?

I was stuck in the arms of sleeping handsome guy. I turned around to face him and discovered that his eyes were open.

“Um…I’m sorry for…you didn’t have to…you know…” I stuttered.

I couldn’t handle taking to such a gorgeous guy. Yeah, I’m that much of a wimp. I can’t handle talking to any attractive guy. Especially, when they’re lying down next to me looking at me with such beautiful eyes.

“Sophia, stop. You don’t have to be sorry for anything; I wanted to help you.”

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